9780801048685Sundays, 9:40–10:40 a.m. in Commons I

October 9-30: A New Heaven and a New Earth: Reclaiming Biblical Eschatology
Steve Bouma-Prediger will lead us through a new way of understanding what the Bible says about end times. In God’s good future, will Christians be whisked off the earth and the earth be burned up to nothing? What does biblical hope really look like? In this class we will explore these (and other) questions with the help of Richard Middleton’s A New Heaven and a New Earth. Over against the all-too-common eschatology of heavenly rapture and earthly destruction, this book reclaims the scriptural vision of cosmic renewal. Reading A New Heaven and a New Earth will be optional, and copies of the book are available for purchase at the Hope Church welcome desk. The four classes will address the following questions:

Oct. 9: What is the plot of the biblical story?
Oct. 16: What is salvation in the Old Testament?
Oct. 23: What is the New Testament’s vision of redemption?
Oct. 30: What does this holistic eschatology mean for how we live today?

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