By Jocelyn Van Heest, Children’s Ministry Director

The children know that it’s the beginning of the church year. We’ve just completed Growing Time and are now entering a time of preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth. Each week the children have watched the pointer on the church-year circle move closer to the purple weeks of Advent. They know that purple is the color of preparation and waiting. The purple cloths are being displayed, the Advent wreaths are being lit, and the children will hear the stories of the prophets and the angels telling of the coming of our Lord.

Our Hope Church family has many wonderful Advent traditions: craft night, making cards for Hope Church members, caroling, St. Nicholas Day breakfast, the lighting of the Advent wreath, the Tree of Light giving, the ‘unrehearsed nativity pageant’, sharing wonderful music and especially our times of worship. While these events will not occur in person this year, the traditions will continue in different ways. Each child will receive a special “Advent Box” that will have some supplies to help families share in the preparation for Christmas. Inside the box are some crafts (yes, Advent chain materials), devotionals, St. Nicholas treats, card making supplies, and more.

Everyone is encouraged to join in Zoom gatherings each Sunday night in Advent for the lighting of our Advent candles and other special events. The excitement of the children is such a joy; this is a wonderful opportunity for all Hope Church folks to share in that joy. We as a body of Christ help with the nurturing of the faith of our children, and this is a great way to show love and support to the families and children of our church. We hope to see many of you share in this time of waiting and preparation with our families.