A thank you from the Pastors, because it’s not about the Pastors! As I write this, Pastor Jill is just reaching the end of her sabbatical time; and by the time you’re reading this, the congregation will be enjoying having Jill back – and I will too! Jill and I try to make it very clear the deep gratitude we have for serving a congregation which grants sabbaticals to its pastors, and Jill will have fruits of her sabbatical season to share with us. And part of the sabbatical gratitude I feel is how supportive folks are to the “other” pastor not on sabbatical, which in this case was me! The many expressions of concern during this season have been a great support and encouragement to me – thank you! But this seemed like a good time to make clear that although Jill and I know that we often receive more of the attention or credit or concern from the congregation (which is natural as we are more visible to most folks), we are also very aware that this church and ministry is not about us as Pastors but about all the people that God has brought together in this community called Hope Church. So, just so you know, here are some thank yous:

THANK YOU TO OUR STAFF: Megan Arevalo, Church Administrator holds this place together with amazing poise; Karla Kammeraad-Bos, Financial Administrator makes crunching numbers a ministry of care; Amy Sall, Administrative Assistant is a wonderful combination of hospitality and expertise; Brian Carder, Director of Music creatively enriches our worship far beyond the spoken word; Ric Beltran, Custodian/Set Up Manager treats this building, and all of us, with TLC; Jocelyn VanHeest, Children’s Ministry Director is a treasured gift to our children and to all of us; Beth Jarvis, Youth Ministry Director loves our youth and makes Hope Church a place they belong; Andrew Spidahl, Pastoral Resident nurtures our relationships and blesses our neighborhood; Rhonda Edgington, Associate Director of Music and Organist brings our spirits closer to God; Jim and Kathy Brownson, Early Worship Music Coordinators & Tim Cook, EW musician fill Sunday mornings with praise; Bruce tenHaken, Sunday Administrative Support is the master of the unexpected detail; Ginger Clark, Hope Church Nurse is a presence of compassion and healing; Barbara Joldersma & Anne Duinkerken, Kids Hope USA Co-Directors multiply our ministry to our community; Andrew Bunnell, Sound Technician helps us and all of Holland to join in worship; Alyssa Anten, Seminary Intern is a blessing as she delights in being a part of Hope Church; Sharon Arendshorst provided wonderful congregational care during Jill’s sabbatical.

THANK YOU TO OUR CONSISTORY: Our Elders and Deacons are a remarkably gifted and dedicated bunch. They are a source of wisdom, passion, steadiness, faithfulness and grace that guides and cares about and blesses Hope Church. They love the people and place that is Hope Church and they care about the community and world we serve.

THANK YOU TO OUR MINISTRIES AND GROUPS AND VOLUNTEERS: The many, many people on our ministries do the big and little things, the visible tasks and the behind the scenes nitty gritty, that keep this place ticking and that take our ministry in new directions. All the gifts of the Spirit are expressed through these folks, and God makes of their efforts a great blessing to our congregation and community. We couldn’t do without them.

THANK YOU TO OUR ‘LIVING HOPE PROJECT’ TEAM: During this intensive time of getting the project launched, Lois and Ron and Sam and Paul and Kay and Charlie and Ellen and Paul and Peter and Rachelle have been remarkable in the time and passion and wisdom and persistence they have shared.

THANK YOU TO YOU! I think there are all sorts of wonderful congregations – I think Hope Church is one of them. Thank you for being a part of this place and for your gifts of every sort that make it a reality. Thank you for making Hope Church a place of worship and service and hospitality and care. Thank you for being a part of our community. Thank you for the faith to want your faith to matter.

When you read this it will be Advent, but as I write it’s Thanksgiving: I’m thankful for all of you.
