971567_520842591311202_150500274_nIt was July 2002 when Peter Boogaart agreed that the new Caring for Creation initiative could be “an area where he would have some energy to give.” Little did he know that it was a twelve-year commitment! During that time, Peter arranged innumerable educational sessions, informational exhibits, and outdoor outings and activities for the elucidation and engagement of Hope Church members and friends.

Approaching other life changes, Peter let us know of his desire to retire from the chair of Caring for Creation. Community Ministry, which provides an organizational connection to this ministry, is developing plans for continued leadership; watch for an announcement soon.

In the meantime, when you cross paths with Peter, please join the Community Ministry in heartfelt thanks to him for his long service and the ways in which he’s made our lives–both as individuals in our own homes and collectively–better.