HCN0815 ONLI3NE.pdf - Adobe Acrobat ProHCN0815 ONLINE.pdf - Adobe Acrobat ProIf you can spare one hour per week to mentor one child during the school day, we need you!

If you are willing to pray weekly for one mentor and one student, we need you!

Mentors and Prayer Partners are needed to complete the Hope Church Kids Hope Team. For more information, please contact Anne Duinkerken (616-550-0279) or Barbara Joldersma (399-7319). Anyone 16 years or older is welcome to participate.

Our Kids Hope Partner School is Vanderbilt Charter Academy, 75% of whose student body is eligible for free and reduced lunch. In 2014-2015, we were able to work with 21 at-risk students. Our prayer is that with your help, we can work with even more in 2015-2016.