The City of Holland Civil Rights Ordinance is coming up for consideration at the City Council. RCA’s Holland Classis spoke out in favor of this ordinance after Hope Church’s Consistory petitioned for their support. It’s important that advocates of this ordinance not be silent.

You can make your voice heard by writing a letter or e-mail to Mayor Dykstra and all of the members of the City Council. Your letter need not be “perfect”; it only needs to make your support clear, including why you think the ordinance is important to the Holland community. There are many good reasons, including:

  • The ordinance is in support of equality and basic human rights, two core values of our city
  • Future-facing businesses important to our economy are better able to attract top talent when human rights are honored for all
  • There is evidence that ordinances like this one work as deterrents to violence

Feel free to include your connection to the RCA and your alignment with the statement of the Holland Classis.

You can find e-mail and mailing addresses on the City of Holland website, for both the mayor and City Council members.