Lent Wednesday Evening Service: March 11

We are sharing a link to the liturgy for the Wednesday evening prayer service that took place March 11. Please note that incorporated into the liturgy is the text of a powerful reflection from Hope Church member Gene Ryan. You can use the liturgy and reflection for devotions for yourself and your household in this Lenten season.

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Lent Wednesday Evening Service: March 4

We are sharing a link to the liturgy for the Wednesday evening prayer service that happened March 4. Please note that incorporated into the liturgy is the text of a powerful reflection from Hope Church member Deirdre Johnston. You can use the liturgy and reflection for devotions for yourself and your household in this Lenten season.

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Lent Wednesday Evening Service: March 18

We are sharing a link to the liturgy for the Wednesday evening prayer service that was planned for March 18. Please note that incorporated into the liturgy is the text of a powerful reflection from Hope Church member Kim Rosenau on Commitment (and here is the audio). You can use the liturgy and reflection for devotions for […]

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Hope Church Worship & Events All Suspended Until Further Notice

Dear Hope Church friends, The Hope Church consistory met this morning in a special session and has decided to suspend all physical gatherings in the Hope Church building until further notice. The consistory will review the emerging situation and determine when we can begin meeting in person again.  Many more details will be shared early […]

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Bread for the World Offering of Letters: June 7

We of Hope Church are a Bread for the World covenant church; we have been allies of Bread’s  mission to relieve and end hunger since 2013 .  Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice, moved by God’s grace in Jesus Christ, urging our nation’s decision-makers to end hunger at home and abroad.  Our […]

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Poetry Corner

Hosted by Randy Smit and Rhonda Edgington Part of the fun of hosting this poetry corner has been seeking out folks from our congregation and beyond to include in this space. We’ve enjoyed highlighting members and friends with a broad range of experiences. This month’s Poetry Corner features Curtis Gruenler, who many of you know […]

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The Pull of Reconciliation and Justice

Pastor Jill Russell As I write this, we are halfway through the Season of Reconciliation and deep into Lent planning. It seems we are forever living in multiple seasons like this as worship planners. I’m actually grateful for this intermingling of themes as we live in one season and plan for the next, because that […]

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That Community Kitchen!

By Earl LamanYou’ve heard of it! Hope Church has been part of its everyday mission since 1991. It operates as a coordination including Community Action House, Western Seminary (in its kitchen and Commons), and 15 churches that provide volunteers of help prepare, serve, and clean up every weekday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. A […]

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Movin’ On: Easing Transitions with Muscle & Heart

By Jon OsbornMost of us have had the experience of moving residences once or perhaps several times. To make that happen, we usually save up money, borrow a truck, mobilize family and friends, and, over the course of a few days, wrestle our belongings to our new residence. When we arrive, we often unpack and […]

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By Bob LuidensI couldn’t physically hear the voice intoning it, but I sensed the message nonetheless. And it resonated with a paradoxical truth that was both surprising and energizing: “Just because this door has been closed for you, Bob, doesn’t mean it can’t be used by someone else.” It had been a few days since […]

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