Blueberry pies are back! After the sad harvest of 2012, a bountiful crop of blueberries has emerged this year bringing back the annual blueberry pie sale. Many expressed regret last year that we did not make those luscious pies but we plan to do so again this year so we are hoping for lots of orders.
Each year the profits from the pie sale are designated for a Hope Church endorsed mission project and this year, the money earned will go to help support The Haiti Foundation Against Poverty (HFAP) and specifically, the Gift of Hope program there. Last year, Hope Church members, Karen and Larry Mulder, led a mission trip to Haiti and saw first hand the vital work that the HFAP is doing in the area. Hope House opened in 2010, along with and a women’s business program. Hope House cares for severely malnourished children ages 0-3 years old, and the women’s business program helps mothers develop the skills needed to run a small home business.
Pies will be assembled September 13 and 14 and available for pick-up on Sunday, September 15. As our mothers told us, many hands make light work! We are counting on as many of you as possible to give an hour or two or more on either Friday evening or Saturday morning to make our pie baking weekend a success. Bring your apron and a rolling pin and if you have neither, join us anyway and we will assign you an assembly line task to fit your expertise level.
Sign-up to order pies and/or volunteer to help with the baking at the Blueberry Pie Project table in the Gathering Area, or contact the church office at (616) 392-7947.