brd_top_logoIn our United States, more than 49 million Americans — nearly 16 million children — try to survive hunger, and 45 million Americans live in poverty. The average family earns $4,500 less than before the Great Recession. But ending hunger in America is possible, not an impossible dream.

Bread for the World has researched and developed the 2014 Hunger Report, which urges President Obama and Congress to lead the country in setting a goal to end hunger by 2030, and offers a four-part plan to accomplish this:
1. A jobs agenda
2. A stronger safety net
3. Human capital development
4. Public-private partnerships to support innovative community-led initiatives against hunger

On September 19 members of both parties of the House and Senate introduced the House’s Feed the Future Global Food Security Act of 2014 and the Senate’s Global Food Security Act of 2014 in order to authorize the Feed the Future Initiative. Feed the Future boosts agricultural development and addresses malnutrition in 20 of the world’s poorest countries.

Nearly 1.2 billion people in developing countries live in extreme poverty, living on less than $1.25 a day. Around the world, 805 million people suffer from hunger. In developing countries, 13.5 percent of the population is undernourished. Each year, 2.6 million children die as a result of hunger-related causes.

We live in the world’s wealthiest nation. Yet 14.3 percent of U.S. households—a total of 49.1 million Americans, including 15.8 million children—struggle to put food on the table, and more than one in five American children are at risk of hunger.

We can end hunger in our time. Everyone, including the government, must do their part. More people around the world escaped poverty during the 2000s than any other decade in history. By making our voices heard in Congress, we help to ensure laws which are fair and compassionate towards people in need.

On Sunday, November 16, Lois Maassen and Doug Abell will be at hand to help you send letters asking our Congresspersons to support the House’s Feed the Future Global Food Security Act of 2014 and the Senate’s Global Food Security Act of 2014 in order to authorize the Feed the Future Initiative. Be part of Hope Church’s commitment to the fight against hunger and poverty through education, prayer and worship.

Have faith. End hunger.

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