Bread for the World’s 2018 Offering of Letters: For Such a Time as This is an opportunity to put your faith into action. In the last 25 years, the world has reduced by more than half the number of people living in extreme poverty. Yet continued progress isn’t a given. In 2018, we expect Congress to again propose deep cuts to vital programs that help people who are struggling with hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world. These might include programs such as WIC and SNAP that provide nutritious food to families in the United States who are temporarily struggling to provide all that their families need. Congress will also consider cuts to international humanitarian and development assistance programs that fight famines, provide nutrition for mothers and children, and help struggling farm families increase their output and incomes. Bread for the World’s 2018 Offering of Letters offers you the opportunity to raise your voice to help make it possible for all people to reach their God-given potential. I invite you to join us and thousands of Bread for the World members and friends across the country in working to make sure that no one is forced to go to bed hungry in the United States or around the world.

We will be offering our letters on Sunday, May 27. Look for our table in the gathering area before and after the service.

~Tom Arendshorst and Tom Bultman, Hope Church members

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