Our Think Hope dinner and silent auction is fast approaching!

Consider your gifts and what you might contribute to the silent auction. Here are some ideas based on past donations:

  • Your time to babysit or do home repair, yardwork, or closet organizing
  • Artwork or photographs that you’ve made
  • Plant starts from your outdoor or indoor garden
  • Your special homecooking–delivered as a meal, a single pie, or monthly cookies
  • Knitted, crocheted, or sewn items–or the promise of custom handiwork
  • The use of your vacation home, rototiller, or…
Donations by this Sunday make it easiest for the Think Hope team to catalog and organize the auction. And this Sunday is your most convenient opportunity to buy tickets for the dinner, too; or contact the church office.
All proceeds from the event will go to Shakespeare Behind Bars, a nonprofit that offers theatrical encounters with personal and social issues to the incarcerated, allowing them to develop life skills that will ensure their successful reintegration into society.