Christians are invited to begin observance of a holy Lent”¦ by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditat­ing on God’s holy Word. The Hope Church Caring for Creation Ministry hopes you will consider making a carbon fast part of your daily Lenten devotions by focusing each week on a particular theme of environmental change and awareness. You may do the suggested actions under each theme daily as you are able or choose one for each day, several for the week, or try to adopt them all. Through these small changes during Lent we hope to become more aware of our wastefulness, our dependence on God, and our need to become better stewards of God’s creation. (Appreciation to Christ Church of Alexandria, Virginia, from whose 2011 Carbon Fast this is adapted.)

God saw everything that he had made, and indeed, it was very good. Genesis 1:31

Pray for the earth, for the air we breathe, for innova­tors who will transform the way we commute, and for the will to choose environmentally conscious trans­portation.

  • Take public transportation, walk, or bike to a location instead of driving. If possible, make the decision not to drive at all.
  • Set up a carpool for work or church. If any of your neighbors need a ride to the grocery store, offer one to them.
  • Drive fuel efficientlylook ahead, be prepared to brake slowly, and accelerate more slowly than you normally do. Drive the speed limit.
  • Check your tire pressure and make sure to inflate all tires properly. Keep your car tuned.
  • Plan ahead to combine errands instead of making multiple car trips.
  • Purchase renewable energy offsets for your auto and airline travel carbon emissions.