GUEP-Final-Logo-A few months ago, a wise member of Hope Church shared this passage written by Wendell Berry in “Another Turn of the Crank”:

“I take literally the statement in the Gospel of John that God loves the world. I believe that the world was created and approved by love, that it subsists, coheres, and endures by love, and that, insofar as it is redeemable, it can be redeemed only by love. I believe that divine love, incarnate and indwelling in the world, summons the world always toward wholeness, which ultimately is reconciliation and atonement [at-one-ment] with God.”

Reflecting on current events, it can be hard to find evidence of this love. In the news politicians degrade one another, soldiers fight unending wars, and businesses pollute the planet to make money.

Nonetheless, living among the many passionate people of this community gives me hope. Daily, I see people bike across town to get to church or work. Every year, urban gardens spread further through the city. On Sundays, I see multiple electric cars in the church parking lot and congregants walking in from the neighborhood. Compost collection has begun being organized by Washington School Neighbors. New online resources like provide tools to make it simpler to live sustainably. And passionate activism supports local efforts like Project Clarity and national ones like the Paris Climate Accord.

I applaud the efforts of the Holland Community Energy Plan (CEP) to win the Georgetown University Energy Prize (GUEP) competition. The prize goes to the city which develops the best plan to engage its community in deep energy savings. Among 50 cities competing nationally for the $5M prize, Holland was in third place at the end of last quarter.

With a good chance to win, Holland is trying harder. City manager, Ryan Cotton, created a door-to-door campaign to get local residents more involved. Thousands of households are being contacted with information and free products, including LED light bulbs and a smart surge protector. Our own Peter Boogaart is meeting homeowners for a free home energy analysis.

Holland has already created a resource called the Holland Energy Fund. The fund will provide financing for local energy efficiency projects including residential upgrades. If we win the $5M, it will be added to the fund.

The Community Energy Plan itself is in the process of creating a home retrofit program. The intention is to create a simple seamless process which allows residents to access professional home diagnostic services, contractor installed improvements, and financing all in one package. Holland will even be first in the state to offer the new On-Bill finance option; which means that a loan could be paid back as an increment on your BPW bill. Our own Anne Saliers led the process to create this resource.

For even more motivation, contests like the Biggest Loser for households and the Energy Wars for schools are tapping into people’s competitive sides. For more information go to and help Holland win!

Upcoming Caring for Creation Opportunities
Earth Day Activities – April 24: Join us after the 11 AM service to plant a tree near the 10th St entrance of Hope Church and see Joe Arevalo in the Gathering Area to learn about ways you can help support the Caring for Creation Ministry.
April 29 at 9:00 am to 4:00 pm at Herrick District Library – Celebrate Arbor Day by picking up a free tree seedling
April 30 (registration extended) – Compete for up to $500 in Prizes by Reducing Your Energy Usage in the Biggest Loser Challenge at
April 30 at 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in the lobby of the Holland Public Safety Building – Drug take-back (dispose of expired or un-used medications – don’t flush them down the toilet!)
May 6 at Hemlock Crossing County Park from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. – Native Plant Sale hosted by the Ottawa Conservation District
May 7 at Harbor Island in Grand Haven from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Ottawa County Grand River Cleanup hosted by West MI Environmental Action Council
May 14 at 709 Pine Avenue at 10 a.m. ($10) – Bio-Intensive Gardening Workshop by 8th Day Farm
May 15-21 – Green Commute Week organized by the Macatawa Area Coordinating Council with the support of many local businesses and organizations: walk, bike, carpool, or ride transit to work, church, and errands
May 21 at 8:00 am to 12:00 pm – BPW E-Waste and appliance recycling event
May 21-28 – Native Plant Sale hosted by Degraaf Nature Center

~Joe Arevalo, Caring for Creation Coordinator

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