With the new administration in the White House, many people are concerned about less attention being given to the environment due to a President with a lack of belief in human induced climate change. On the bright side, many people are speaking out and making sure their elected representatives know how they feel. A major upcoming event is the People’s Climate March on April 29 in Washington D.C. At this point, no local events are planned, but that may change. Please contact Joe Arevalo if you are interested in attending in Washington D.C. as some financial & logistical support is available via the Caring for Creation ministry and via the Christian Reformed Church Office of Social Justice. Other events happening locally:

  • Women & Environment Symposium Film Showing of “Arise” and Panel: March 1 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm at Park Theatre. Arise captures the portraits and stories of extraordinary women around the world who are coming together to heal the injustices against the earth, weaves together poetry, music, art and stunning scenery to create a hopeful and collective story that inspires us to work for the earth.
  • Holland Energy Prize Biggest Loser Awards: March 7 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at Holland City Hall. Learn about the programs and tools helping us to see where we are and how we can best adapt to change with our City Master Plan and Sustainability Report. Hear from the Holland Energy Prize Biggest Loser award winners about what they did to save energy and you can get a door prize just by registering here or showing up. In addition, learn about how to make your home more efficient and meet the pros who can help you with financing options like the new Home Energy Retrofit and On-Billing Financing Programs with the potential for $1,000’s in rebates.

~Joe Arevalo, Caring for Creation Coordinator

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