You may remember the prophet Elijah lamenting, “I alone am left….” Those who are concerned for environmental issues often feel that way too. The task seems so impossible. Elijah was wrong, of course. Those of us in Creation Care ministries are not alone either.

The Reformed Church in America, under the direction of Earl James, Coordinator for African American/Black Ministries & Coordinator for Advocacy, has begun the process of building a denomination wide Creation Care ministry. Earl acknowledges his need to learn more about environmental issues but he feels strongly that, for the benefit of our children, we need to face those issues.

Although he didn’t recognize it at the time, Earl’s childhood in the Hudson River Valley set a creation care foundation for him. “As kids we were at the river all the time—fishing, swimming, and playing. I remember that in later years things changed. The water was more polluted and you got a rash if you swam in it. Later on, the people of the valley organized for change and water quality improved. The fish came back and you could swim again. That was a lesson for me. No mater how bad it is, we can make it better if we speak out and work together.”

Earl’s work these days, starting in February 2018, involves workshops which are intended to call people to creation care. The approach is Biblical, taking Psalms 24:1 as its focus— “The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it, the world, and those who live in it.” A team of 23 RCA members from New York to California prayerfully developed the 2018 ministry plan.

To date, 140 people from 39 churches in New York, Michigan and Iowa explored together in three-hour workshops about how caring for God’s creation affects:

  • Worship of God
  • Discussions within families, congregations and communities
  • Energy efficiency in church buildings and homes
  • Community outreach and advocacy including opportunities to join online information and advocacy communities such as Creation Justice Ministries –

Earl is also working to introduce pastors and spiritual leaders to the resources which help them to both articulate creation care and to encourage local creation care ministries. Season of Creation (September 1 – October 4 of each year) curriculum materials and ministry stories were especially highlighted. As part of this initiative, Earl is also approaching RCA colleges and seminaries to encourage their commitment to sponsoring fruitful creation care teaching. A supporting web page is under development.

Sisters and brothers, please keep this creation care ministry in your prayers. Please ask God to make the messages within Psalms 24:1 to grow deep within hearts, minds and actions of the people of God in our community and around this “lost and broken world so loved by God.”
(from the RCA mission statement).

For additional information, email Earl James at or

~Peter Boogaart, Caring for Creation Co-coordinator

We’re on the case!
The Caring for Creation Committee is looking closely at the ways in which Hope Church currently handles waste. Although we already have made great strides in recycling, there is plenty of room for improvement and we know you will help! Look for changes in the way we recycle things that currently go into the trash (and landfill), and know that we are ‘raising the bar’ in our effort to be an example of living sustainably.

“Every aspect of our lives is, in a sense, a vote for the kind of world we want to live in.” -Frances Moore Lappe