Bread for the World’s 2018 Offering of Letters: May 27

We of Hope Church are a Bread for the World covenant church.  Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice, moved by God’s grace in Jesus Christ, urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad.  Our faithful advocacy makes a difference. Last year, we held off dramatic cuts to domestic […]

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Don’t Let Mother Nature Keep You from Think Hope

In spite of yesterday’s ice and snow, you can still join the fun and fellowship of Think Hope! The deadlines for both reserving tickets and contributing auction items have both been extended to 5 p.m.on Tuesday. Saturday, April 21, is the big night, starting at 5 p.m. with appetizers, auction items, and fellowship; a grilled chicken dinner […]

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April 15 Cancellations (11 AM service will still be held)

Due to the icy weather, Early Worship and the 9:40am Education Hour have been cancelled. 11am worship service will be held for those who can come safely. Please note that while we are having salt spread on the parking lot and sidewalk we cannot gaurentee that it will be completely ice free. If you do come, please enter through […]

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Spring Garden Clean-Up Rescheduled for April 28

Spring Garden Clean-Up Rescheduled for April 28: Gardeners! A clean-up extravaganza is planned for Saturday, April 28 from 9:00 am til 11:30 am! Plan to come for an hour or half a day – there will be plenty to do and people to tell you what to do! Bring your own equipment and gardening gloves. Pastor Gordon will […]

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Caring for Creation: An Invitation

Every parent has heard this at one time or another—”I don’t care and you can’t make me!” Frustrating, eh? —especially for young parents. Those of us who now sit across the table from adult children remember those days with a bit of nostalgia. The resistance isn’t all bad; children need to develop a sense of […]

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Tulip Time Organ Concert: May 6

Tulip Time is on it’s way, and so is more Dutch organ music! Some of you may remember that last year, for the first time, Hope Church hosted a Tulip Time organ concert, featuring Rhonda Edgington playing Dutch organ music from the Baroque to modern. This was such a hit, with both the audience and […]

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Youth Ministry: Parenting Class

“How can I best love and care for my teen facing a mental health challenge?” If you are a parent asking this question, you are far from alone. This spring, Pastor Beth and Hope Church Nurse Ginger Clark will be facilitating a three-week series allowing parents to engage mental health care experts in learning to […]

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Hope Church Art Committee

This new committee of Worship, Prayer, and Spirituality Ministry is actively seeking members. Tasks of the Art Committee will include developing policy regarding art installations within the facility; decisions regarding bequests and donations of art; caring for our current collection; putting up and taking down seasonal and liturgical art; and other tasks and responsibilities regarding […]

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Tulip Time – Parking Lot Volunteers Needed

We are in need of 18 volunteers to help staff the Hope Church parking lot on three different days during Tulip Time, on which we will be collecting a $5 fee for parking. Proceeds will benefit the Living Hope Capital Campaign, as we work to eliminate any mortgage on our completed renovation. There will be […]

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Children’s Ministry: April 2018

Family Time Together On Friday, April 13 from 5:30 – 8:00pm, you are invited to come for an evening of game playing with other families. Bring your favorite games to share or try a new game. Adults may like to play some games together too. Play together, talk together, eat together and get to know […]

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