Adult Education: February

Sundays, 9:40-10:40 am February 4: Summary of the topics of the Season of Reconciliation February 11 and 18: Dealing Faithfully With Dementia The thought of having to deal with dementia bewilders and frightens many of us. Dementia challenges our usual ways of thinking about how God relates to us and how we relate to God, […]

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Two Musical Events in February at Hope Church

We will be graced with an embarrassment of musical riches in February at Hope Church, so no need to despair over the weather – we can self-medicate with music! On Sunday, Feb 4 at 3pm in the sanctuary, Rhonda will be joining with local musicians and adjunct members of the Hope College music faculty, to […]

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Hope Church News, February 2018

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: Two Musical Events in February at Hope Church Ash Wednesday Service & Wednesday Evening Lent Series Mardi Gras Celebration/Shrove Tuesday Feb. 13 A Chance to Lament – Sunday, March 4, 3 p.m. March, April & May Greeters

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Out on the Lakeshore Announces Holland Pride 2018!

Who: For the LGBTQ Community, allies, and all! What: A festival! With live music, great food, sponsors, vendors, lots of great people and lots of fun. When: Saturday June 23, 2018 starting at noon Where: Holland’s Centennial Park and The Park Theater Why: To celebrate PRIDE here on the Lakeshore! How can I get more […]

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Friday Morning Yoga Class

Discover stability and freedom in yoga!  The Congregational Care and Health Ministry has invited Kim Mulder, Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT200), to lead a 7-week yoga series.  In this class series we will explore the foundational principles of alignment that provide support in each pose while opening the heart, mind and body. Kim is trained in […]

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2018 Telephone Directory

The 2018 Telephone Directory will be available in January. You can pick up a copy in the gathering area or in the Hope Church office.

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Next Know Your Neighbor Event: Jan. 23

Next Know Your Neighbor Event: “None of The Above”, January 23rd 7:00pm -8:30pm, Herrick District Library. This second event in the Know Your Neighbors Series will bring together people to share their world view and perspective who do not claim a faith tradition. They may call themselves “spiritual but not religious” or “secular humanist” or […]

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Washington School Neighbors: Time for Relationships

In our world today, relationships are falling away. We are too busy and always plugged in to some form of technology. We have to make an intentional decision to pull away from our electronics and search for ways to create something more. It is so easy to feel alone when everything we do is dictated […]

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2018 Offering Envelopes

Envelopes for 2018 offerings are available for pick-up in the Gathering Area. They are displayed alphabetically. If you are unable to be in worship and need your envelopes mailed, please call the office. Special envelopes for the initial offering and for contributions to the Deacons Fund are enclosed, as well as envelopes for special holiday […]

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Church Library Donation Request

Looking to declutter your house in the New Year, and hoping to find a good home for some of your extra books? Members of the Christian Education ministry are seeking donations of good-condition books we can add to our church library collection. Our plan is to have at least two categories of books in our […]

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