Children’s Sabbath – May 11

On Sunday, May 11, we will celebrate the Children’s Sabbath, a day when we as a congregation, promise to nurture and pray in support of the children of Hope Church. We want to celebrate them on this Sunday and everyday that follows. The congregation will have the opportunity to select names of children to support […]

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Dig in at Spring Clean Up: May 3

We need your help on Saturday, May 3, from 9 am-Noon! Wear your work clothes, bring your gloves, bring your friends and family, and bring whatever gardening tools you have. There will be some extra gardening tools available, but much of the work can be done with hands—pulling weeds and debris from the garden beds, […]

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Teacher Appreciation Reception: May 18

This year the Christian Education Ministry will host a Teacher Appreciation reception for our Children in Worship leaders, Church School teachers, music leaders, and youth leaders. The reception will take place after the 11:00 a.m. service on Sunday, May 18th. After pizza lunch, we hope that everyone will extend their sincere thanks to those who […]

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Fish Club: May 4

Fish Club has a full schedule this Sunday, May 4! 2:30 pm AT Practice Hike 4:30 pm AT Trip Parent Meeting 5:00 pm Mother’s Day Gift Assembly

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High Hopes Tulip Time Progressive Lunch: May 4

High Hopes will meet for a Tulip Time progressive lunch on Sunday, May 4 right after the 11:00 a.m. service. The group will walk downtown in search of the yummiest and healthiest(?) treats from the food carts. Some tulips may be spotted along the way, we will have to wait and see!

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Think Hope: “Coming Home” for Lakeshore Habitat

Lois Maassen, Community Ministry Chair Looking for an evening of entertainment—and for a purpose? Join us for Think Hope, our annual fellowship and fundraising event, at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 17. The evening begins with hors d’oeuvres and the opportunity to bid on fabulous items representing the gifts and talents of the Hope Church […]

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Congregational Meeting – April 27

A congregational meeting will be held in the sanctuary directly following the 11 a.m. worship service this Sunday. At this meeting we will have the election for new Elders and Deacons. Nominated as Elders: DeeDee Piers, Kevin Rosenau, Randy Smit, Cindi Veldheer DeYoung. Nominated Deacons: Kristine Bradfield, Greg Doxstader, Steve Griffore, Anne Saliers. Everyone is […]

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Haiti Hope House Trip: October 14-21, 2014

How Can We Help Haiti?  Hope House is an orphanage run by the Haiti Foundation Against Poverty. A trip is being planned for October 14-21, 2014 in which we will stay at and help Hope House, as well as other programs run by HFAP. If you are interested, please contact Ben Sikkink at bsikkink [at] […]

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Adult Education: April 27 – May 11

Christian Perspectives on Immigration Led by Paul Smith in Commons II Immigration has been a matter of considerable debate throughout American history. In today’s world, global, economic, and political forces have made the movement of people outside their country of origin a world-wide issue. This class will examine the reasons why people leave their homes […]

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Cran Hill Weekend – July 18-20

Summer is coming! One of the great opportunities of this summer will be to attend the Hope Church weekend at Cran Hill Ranch. There are still spots available! The weekend is always a wonderful inter-generational event, with something for everyone to enjoy: horseback riding, tubing down the Muskegon River, target shooting, strolling through the grounds, […]

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