Reconciliation Ministry: Are Immigrants a Blessing or a Burden?

It is somewhat perplexing that illegal immigration has become such a hot topic in 2018 since immigration across our Southern border is on the decline. In fact, since 2009 more Mexican families and individuals have returned to Mexico from the U.S. than visa versa (Pew Research Institute). This is unfortunate since immigrants fuel our economy […]

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Second Sunday Snacks

Everything important in our Biblical story takes place around food. Relationships are formed, festivals are celebrated, connections are made and bodies and souls are fed. On June 10 we began Second Sunday Snacks, a time for us to congregate around food and to connect with each other after the 10:00am worship service. Snacks of bagels, […]

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Children’s Ministry: August 2018

Summer Church School We have had a wonderful summer learning about how the people Jesus met shared in the light of Jesus and how they shared that light with others. The children have tried to find ways to relate those stories into their own lives. How would they react? What would they have said or […]

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Down on the Farm…August 17 Picnic

Fellowship Ministry is hosting a summer picnic at 6 p.m. on Friday, August 17! Bring your own picnic supper and meet at Teusink’s Farm. The picnic area is no charge and will be available to Hope Church members and friends for food and fellowship. Watermelon will be provided by the Fellowship Ministry. From 6 – […]

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Caring for Creation Ministry: Thoughts on Climate Change

“The dream of ‘costless mitigation of climate change’ has been a constant … in the climate change debate …. We prefer certain, decisive action free of politics to messy, indeterminate responses that affect the way we live. We will avert our eyes from reality as long as a simple solution seems just over the horizon.” […]

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Blueberry Pie Sale

We will again be offering luscious, handcrafted, blueberry pies for sale for $12.00 The pie sale will support adult mission trips and other spiritual formation opportunities. Order sheets are on the tables in the gathering area and in the narthex. The handcrafting will take place August 10 (evening) and 11 (morning) and volunteers are needed […]

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Hope Church News, August 2018

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: Down on the Farm…August 17 Picnic Reconciliation Ministry: Are Immigrants a Blessing or a Burden? Second Sunday Snacks Invitation to Early Worship September, October, & November Greeters    

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Bicycle Tour: August 5

Caring for Creation Bicycle Tour Event Sunday, August 5 11:45 am – 5:30 pm:  The Bicycle Tour with start at Tunnel Park and end at Rosy Mound Park (16 miles total).  Trailer transportation is provided, and participants will share a meal at Rosy Mound Park.  Please sign up in the gathering area and contact Peter […]

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Faith & Resource Challenge: July 8

Coming out of our small group discussion of Ched Myers’ concept of Sabbath Economics, is a desire to identify more specific ways in which to exercise faithful use of our resources. We’ve developed some ideas and would like to broaden the conversation.  Please join us for an open conversation:  Sunday, July 8 at 11:30 AM in Room […]

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Counting Offering

Each Sunday after worship the deacons, assisted by volunteers, count the offering in teams of two people. It takes from 45-60 minutes and each team will serve every 8-10 weeks. If you would like to serve Hope Church by helping with this (prior service as a deacon is not required) over the next year please […]

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