March, April & May Greeters

The following list reflects the households assigned to greet for the next three months: March Greeters 3 Jordan, Bob & Susanne 10 Kamstra, Todd & Nancy 17 Killilea, Norma 24 Knoll, Leon & Jackie 31 Knoops, John & Barb April Greeters 7 Koch, John & Pam 14 Kolk, Michael & Sarah 21 Kools, John & […]

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Pancake Fundraiser Lunch: February 24

Pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes. Gluten-free pancakes. Scottish oat pancakes. Apple cinnamon pancakes. And more! Duane and Karmen Kooyers would like to invite the congregation to a pancake lunch on Sunday, February 24 following the 11 a.m. service (which will take the place of the regular Pizza Sunday). We will provide the pancakes (supplies, time and […]

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Parenting Class: February 24 & March 10

Non-Violent Communication is not just for adult relationships! Pastor Rachel Bush will follow up the February 10 and 17 Adult Education Non Violent Communication class that Ann McKnight is leading with two classes on using NVC in parenting. Rachel was trained in NVC and compassionate communication through Western Theological Seminary in 2009, and graduated in […]

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Congregational Care & Health Ministry: February 2019

ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT from ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION 10 Requests from Someone with Alzheimers Author Unknown Please be patient with me — Remember that I have an organic brain disease for which I have no control. Talk to me — Even though I cannot always answer you, I can hear your voice and sometimes comprehend your words. Be […]

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Orientation to Hope Church Class

On Sunday, February 17, at 9:40 a.m., an Orientation to Hope Church Class will begin for people wanting to learn more about Hope Church. The class will meet on three Sunday mornings, February 17, March 3, and March 17 at 9:40 a.m. in Commons 2. Please contact the church office (392-7947) if you would like […]

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Staff Departure: Bruce Ten Haken

Bruce Ten Haken has been a special part of Hope Church and valued team member for many years as the Administrative Assistant and Housekeeper. He has started a new position so Bruce’s last day was December 16. We have appreciated his service to Hope Church and will dearly miss him. Bruce wanted to share a […]

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2018-2019 Fall Program Brochure: Sharing the Light

Jesus said: “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12). Jesus said: “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). Interesting. The image of Jesus as the light of the world resonates as inviting and inclusive, a way to express that God’s love and presence are for all. It’s a big claim, but […]

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Appalachian Trail Trip Cancellation

After much brainstorming and discussion, Pastors Jill, Gordon, and Beth have decided to cancel this year’s Appalachian Trail Trip, due to small numbers. As our Fish Club families are already aware, we will have a few years where our middle school youth numbers are smaller than usual, which will then affect High Hopes as our […]

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Youth Ministry: January 2018

“’You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: ’You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” Matthew 22:37- 40 […]

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