Easter Offering for Haiti Foundation Against Poverty

For several years Hope Church has been supporting the Haiti Foundation Against Poverty, and in particular their Gift of Hope program which offers employment to women enabling them to keep their families together by providing a steady income for them to provide food, housing, medical care and other essentials for their families. For many of […]

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Custodian Job Posting: Applications Due March 31

Hope Church is accepting applications for a part-time salaried Custodian. The hours, averaging 32 hours per week are flexible (with Sunday mornings being a requirement), with additional hours for special church events. For full job description, please click here! If someone you know may be interested, please pass this opportunity on to them! Please send cover letter and […]

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And Finally: March 2019

I don’t think this will quite be the last time I write about my Doctor of Ministry studies, but it’s getting close – which means the degree is getting close too! I’m going to tell you about my final class that I took in January, but also want to update you on how my studies […]

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Witness to Reconciliation

Reconciliation, as I understand it, is the end of estrangement between God and humanity, or between one person and another, or one set of people and another. Is Persisterhood Choir part of a reconciliation effort? I’m not sure. But we hope so. We came into being because of estrangement, and since our inception we’ve reflected […]

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Poetry Corner: March 2019

A friend to many at Hope Church and Hope College, our friend Jack Ridl offers a few poems and reflections this month. Along with the wisdom of his mentor William Stafford, what follows blesses and teaches and welcomes us all to a new way to be in prayer. (Enjoy the potato pancakes :-)) ~Randy ~~~ […]

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Kids Hope: March 2019

March is here! Of course that still means we are experiencing the “lion” type of weather and very much looking forward to the “lamb” type of winter that we have at the end of the month. For me, as the director of Kids Hope, I think of March as a “Mentor Appreciation Month” (since I […]

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Witness to Reconciliation: Reflections on Reconciliation

Hope Church News says you’ll be hearing from Hope Church members. So a word of caution. While I was a member years ago I’ll be talking about becoming an ex-member and a Quaker. Quakers are one of several historic Peace churches. Their Peace Testimony is a modern interpretation of what originally was the Testimony of […]

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Witness to Reconciliation: Reconciliation in Health Care

I stood outside of a patient’s room on one of our intensive care units, talking with the nurse, as we both waited for more of the patient’s family to arrive. The family had asked that a chaplain pray with them before the staff withdraws life support. We expected that the patient would die soon. The […]

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