Reconciliation Ministry: Immigration Advocacy Update

The Reconciliation Ministry wants to share three resources with the Hope Church community in addressing the Trump administration practice of separating families at United States borders. The first is a resource for prayer for Migrants, Refugees, & Asylum Seekers: Prayers for Migrants, Refugees, and Asylum Seekers The second is a statement which RCA leaders have signed […]

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Kids Hope: June/July 2018

Whoa! We made it! Another school year for Kids Hope at Vanderbilt Academy has come to a halt. But in reality there will still be some connections taking place with mentors planning to see their child over the summer and 3 of our students are attending Camp Geneva. I know I will remain busy with […]

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Ministry/Committee Highlight: Building and Grounds Committee

The Building and Grounds Committee is responsible for the care and maintenance of the physical facilities of Hope Church. It oversees repair and replacement of systems and equipment, the purchase of expendable supplies, and the payment for utilities and services. This ministry keeps the physical plant functioning smoothly so that all the other ministries can […]

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And Finally: June/July 2018

As many of you know, one portion of my work as Pastor of Discipleship is to minister to Hope College students. At first glance, some might think that this is superfluous work, asking “Why would a Christian college need a pastor from outside their community to disciple them? Don’t they have plenty of resources to […]

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Summer Fun & Fitness

Now that summer is finally here, it is noteworthy to review some facts to get the most out of it. More personal and family time is spent doing your favorite activities in the summer. Let’s take it outside! FUN is the major reason active people give for exercising. The socialization that goes with it can […]

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Hope Church Welcomes New Members

These new members were welcomed into the fellowship of Hope Church on April 22 during the 11 a.m. worship service. Please take the time to welcome these individuals into the family of Hope Church. Richard Perez Richard Perez joins by profession of faith. A professor of Theatre at Hope College he is originally from California. […]

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Poetry Corner: June/July 2018

Many of you know Francis Fike, Professor Emeritus of English at Hope College, who taught there from 1968-1998. Francis is a keen reader, writer, critic, translator, and lover of poetry. He served as Poetry Editor of Perspectives: Journal of Reformed Thought from 2005-2010. He has also published five books of poetry. The poem below first […]

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Unity Build Update from Community Ministry

Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity’s Unity Build for the Glidewell family is full speed ahead. Exterior walls are completely framed and interior walls and roof trusses should be in place by May 18. Tuesday, May 15th was the Hope Church Women Build Day and our sponsorship allowed Women’s Achieve to come out and work. Judith Boogaart […]

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Poetry Corner: May 2018

While I’m sure some of you know Randy’s poetry already, others now have an opportunity to encounter a mystic poet here in our midst at Hope Church. Taking familiar words, Randy combines them in unusual ways, to draw our attention, with his, to the world in which we live, the people with whom we share […]

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Think Hope for the Earth A Success

Sincere appreciation to all who helped make the April 21st Think Hope event a reality, including those who donated auction items, prepared food, and planned and set up; those who served, provided table decor, and cleaned up; and those who ate, chatted, danced, laughed, purchased auction items, and will still deliver food or services. Special […]

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