Conflicted: The Changing Place of Wilderness in American Culture

As I sit to write, I’m looking at a frozen world. It is hardly the weather we expect this time of year and a palpable reminder that the natural world can be a hard and unpredictable place at times. April gave us a time, in the days surrounding Earth Day, to pay attention to this […]

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Kids Hope: May 2018

I can’t believe it is May already. Maybe that is because April was so wintry (of course I am writing this the 3rd week of April and there is some hope for Spring like weather yet:) One thing this time of year means for Kids Hope is that there is lots to do. I thought […]

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Hope Church News, May 2018

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: Summer 2018 Preaching Schedule Is There Hope For a Progressive Movement in the RCA? Bread for the World’s 2018 Offering of Letters: May 27 Doctor of Ministry Project by Pastor Gordon – June 3 June, July & August Greeters

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Congregational Care & Health Ministry: Adult Education Spotlight

I was asked to spotlight what I addressed in the two recent sessions of our annual Christian Education series, entitled: Well-Being: “I AM a Living Being!” Long ago a fugitive Moses found himself in the isolated desert tending sheep. However, an apparent burning bush overwhelmed his consciousness with the apprehension of Divine Being-Presence. It came […]

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Poetry Corner: April 2018

This month we are happy to feature Audrianne Hill as she reflects upon the strength and beauty of her Father’s dreams. And what a joy to discover how spacious this little corner can be! Thank you Audrianne, teacher of prayer, for how YOU pay attention and help us do the same. (RS) There have been […]

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Congregational Care & Health Ministry: A Life of Prayer

Jesus modeled for us a life of prayer as he participated in worship, as he withdrew to a solitary place for prayer, as he prayed with and for others for healing, as he prayed for his disciples and taught them to pray, and as he cried out to God for the world and for himself. […]

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Ministry Highlight: Reconciliation Ministry

The reconciliation ministry’s focus comes from our understanding of scripture in action; specifically, God’s intent for the church to share in God’s ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18). Our mission is to support and enhance those that would seek to follow Christ’s example of tearing down the dividing wall of hostility separating us from others […]

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Kids Hope: April 2018

I don’t know if you have noticed the Kids Hope Bulletin Board around the corner from the Welcome Center but if you have you would have noticed it is full of kites. Each kite has one of our Kids Hope students’ name on it and there is also a Thank You to our mentors who […]

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Washington School Neighbors: Introduction & Community Engagement

Hello everyone! My name is Kyle Boer and I may have run into you at Washington School Neighborhood events or at Hope Church. I hope I have been able to be blessing to you, as many of you have been a blessing to me. I am currently a student at Western Theological Seminary in the […]

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And Finally: April 2018

I am writing to you from that in-between space we enter into at the end of Lent when Holy Week is on the horizon. I have listened afresh to what made Jesus’ heart beat with an eye toward what should make mine. I am bracing myself for Holy Week and the deep dive into the […]

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