Witness to Reconciliation: JoAnne Brooks

One thing I’ve learned in my old age is that our God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. Go back with me, will you, to Hope Church in 1956. We had just called a great young man from Iowa called Marion DeVelder. He came with all the zest and passion of making the […]

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Washington School Neighbors – H.O.P.E.

Hope is a word that many people reach for in uncertain life circumstances. Hope can provide a steady faith that everything will work out according to what is best for your life. Beyond this view of hope being a kind of faith that things will work out, hope can also undergird our mission to create […]

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Poetry Corner: March 2018

This month, I (Rhonda) will start us off, with a poem I’ve written, and another that I heard for the first time this fall and found meaningful. Many of you probably know the work of poet Jane Hirsfield, but I heard her read at GVSU last fall, and was enamored! She read this poem, which […]

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Ministry Highlight: Stewardship & Finance Ministry

The Stewardship & Finance (S&F) Ministry of Hope Church supports the Hope Church mission by providing oversight and guidance of the annual financial operations of the church. Some key activities include: We work with all of the other ministries to establish and propose an annual budget for the church. This includes establishing the timeline for […]

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And Finally: March 2018

“In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.” Acts 2:17 During our Youth Sunday service a few weeks ago, we explored the […]

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Kids Hope: March 2018

I have been thinking about why someone would volunteer to be a Kids Hope Mentor. I remember getting an email once from a mentor who stated that he could think of no other 50 minutes of time spent that had the potential to make such a difference. That is so true of Kids Hope. In […]

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Hope Church News, March 2018

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: Worship During Holy Week Easter Offering Designation The White Privilege Conference: April 4-7, 2018 – Grand Rapids, MI Pigs in the Blanket Fundraiser It’s Back!!! Think Hope Silent Auction returns Saturday, April 21, 5pm-8pm

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Kids Hope: February 2018

Have you noticed that the Kids Hope symbol is a heart wrapped around a child? How appropriate for this month of February as soon heart shaped valentines will be exchanged along with heart shaped candies, stores will reflect the theme of love with all their red and white decorations and florists will keep busy filling […]

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Poetry Corner

Sometimes we need a little room for poetry. Not a lot, just a little corner. Poetry can help us face the more challenging moments in our lives and world, it can give us a place to go, a place to be when experiences of any kind are far too much for words. With this in […]

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