And Finally: January 2018

As I sit to write this article today it is exactly one week until Christmas. We have just lit our pink candles in the Advent Wreath – the candle of joy or sometimes called the Mary candle. I’ve been thinking about Mary a lot and noticed that others have as well. In the past week […]

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Letter from Josh Vis

A letter from Josh Vis, one of the RCA missionaries Hope Church supports: Dear Supporters: I want to share with you my thoughts on Jerusalem (which may be helpful for prayer), followed by some specific prayer ideas. I also want to give you some resources and basic facts about East Jerusalem, which is the Palestinian part […]

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And Finally: December 2017

I am needed. I am heard. I belong. I make a difference. I know what I believe and I know why I believe it. People who are committed to their church family have these affirmations in common. Whether a congregant is 12 or 65, studies are showing that if a church member feels a sense […]

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Thank You

Thank you for sponsoring Holland Pride. Your generous donation made this year’s Pride event possible. All proceeds benefit the Out on the Lakeshore center. We personally thank you for being the change. ~Sara & Michele Driesenga, Holland Pride Chairs Dear Hope Church, Thank you once again for your generosity in opening your doors on Women’s […]

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Hope Church Welcomes New Members

These new members were welcomed into the fellowship of Hope Church on November 19, 2017 during the 11 a.m. worship service. Please take the time to welcome these individuals into the family of Hope Church. Gene Ryan joins by transfer from Fort Plain Reformed Church, Fort Plain, NY. Gene is graduating from Hope College in […]

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New Leadership for Caring for Creation

The Community Ministry is pleased to announce a new leadership team for Caring for Creation. Peter Boogaart, Josh Bochniak, and Avril Wiers bring a diversity of interests, expertise, and backgrounds to the work. This from Avril on behalf of the team: “We will be planning ways for you to connect with and care for creation […]

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Christmas Cards for our Members

Continuing an Advent tradition, decorated gift bags will be on the pegboards in the Gathering Area. They will be delivered by Hope Church carolers on December 17 for those who live local. Enrich your Advent season by sharing Christmas cards with these members: Dave & Char Alexander LeVada Bombe Peg Danhof Dan DeGraaf Helen DeWeerd […]

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Kids Hope: December 2017

I would like to introduce to you our Kids Hope “Family” for the 2017/2018 school year. The following people will be mentoring at the school 1 day a week and building a relationship that truly makes difference in their child’s lives. Linda Cook, Dave Boelkins, Barb Blauw, Barb Knoops, Rhonda Edgington, Sandy Mulder, Connie Vandervelde, […]

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Holland Energy Fund Wins Governor’s Energy Excellence Innovator of the Year Award

Holland Energy Fund, a nonprofit corporation that supports Holland’s long-range Community Energy Plan, was recognized as “Innovator of the Year” at the Governor’s Energy Excellence Awards (GEEA) for its energy waste reduction achievements. Holland Energy Fund was one of eight winners announced by Gov. Rick Snyder and honored at a ceremony in Detroit on October […]

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Ministry Highlight: Christian Education Ministry

Members: Co-Chairs: Sarah Kolk & Megan Marthens, Kristine Bradfield, Margaret Buckley, Judy Parr. Staff Support: Beth Carroll, Jocelyn VanHeest, Gordon Wiersma The goal of the Christian Education Ministry is to help Hope Church members and friends to grow and deepen their faith, as we all seek to live as disciples of Jesus Christ. The ministry […]

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