Kids Hope: February 2017

Last month, we expressed our thanks and appreciation to all of our currently active mentors. Now we wish to recognize the prayer partners and substitute mentors without whose support, our mentors would not be able to make the impact they make in the lives of our Vanderbilt students. Our 17 mentors are supported by 17 […]

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Witness to Reconciliation: Kate Mears

“To have meaning, our lives require both passion and purpose. A life without passion is like a furnace without fuel, and without purpose, like a ship without a rudder.” Dr. Mardy Grothe is very right when he made this quote. Life without purpose isn’t life. It can’t go anywhere or do anything. Without purpose, we […]

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New Administrative Assistant

The Personnel Committee is pleased to announce that Katie Norris has been hired to serve Hope Church as administrative assistant. Katie is set to begin on Monday, February 6th. Katie graduated from Calvin College and since then, has spent time working as a social worker at various non-profits throughout Holland. Katie describes the Norris’ family as a […]

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And Finally: February 2017

I’ve promised to keep you updated on my Doctor of Ministry program as I take courses. This time I’m telling you about the course before I even take it (I’m writing this mid-January, and the course will be January 30-February 3 in Chicago), as I’m reflecting on the reading I’ve been doing in preparation for […]

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Hope Church News, February 2017

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: A Celebration of Living Hope: April 29 Witness to Reconciliation Walk for Warmth: February 11 February Organ Concerts March, April, & May Greeters

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Are You Kidneying Me?

YES! DEFINITELY! Because we humans are pathetically under-informed of their importance! They are not just little kidney beans that create pee! These twins, located on either side of the spine at the lowest level of the rib cage, are each about the size of a small fist. They are insulted to be seen simply as […]

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Adult Education: Presenting Classes about a Variety of Faith-Related Topics

The year 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, dating its genesis from the year 1517 when Martin Luther published his 95 theses, a major impetus to the Protestant Reformation. To help us understand this crucial era in the history of Christianity, Suzanne McDonald, Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Western Theological Seminary, […]

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Kids Hope

Kids Hope ended the 2016 year with our first ever Fun Activity Day at Third Reformed Church. This event was planned to enhance the relationship between mentors and their child in a more relaxed and fun atmosphere. Building relationships is one of the main goals that Kids Hope takes seriously as we find that building […]

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Caring for Creation

Uh oh, the tv remote isn’t working, time to change the batteries. You get new ones and put them in. What do you do with the old ones? Throw them away? Save them up in a bag or bucket for special handling? For years, Hope Church has made this decision a lot easier by offering […]

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Congregational Care

The Congregational Care Ministry (CCM) has undergone some changes! Prayerful discussions at many levels have led to the discontinuation of the Hope Church Care Group system. Care Groups were a wonderful form of connection and care for many years. The new CCM structure invites all members of the congregation to participate in this ministry of […]

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