Upcoming Caring for Creation Events: November

November 10 (7:00PM) Video: “Poverty Inc.” at The Knickerbocker Theatre, followed by Daniel Jean-Louis, a Haitian entrepreneur and one of the participants in the film, speaking about the film and his book, From Aid to Trade. Sponsored by The Big Read Holland, and Markets & Morality. Watch the trailer! November 14 (5:00-7:00PM) “Eyes on the Prize Rally” at Holland […]

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Kids Hope: November 2016

Just a little over a month ago I stood in front of church asking you to consider being a Kids Hope volunteer. Thanks to a great response we now have 9 new mentors, 1 substitute mentor deciding to become a regular mentor and 1 new substitute mentor. Praise the Lord for so many hearing His […]

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Kids Hope: November 2016

Just a little over a month ago I stood in front of church asking you to consider being a Kids Hope volunteer. Thanks to a great response we now have 9 new mentors, 1 substitute mentor deciding to become a regular mentor and 1 new substitute mentor. Praise the Lord for so many hearing His […]

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Washington School Neighbors: November 2016

At the WSN Community Gardens we’re winding down a successful 2016 season. As gardeners clean out weeds and dead plants they continue to harvest tomatoes, peppers, kale, carrots, mustard greens, and many other vegetables. Nasturtiums, calendulas, and marigolds continue to blossom despite the increasing frost warnings. A few families are even attempting fall and winter […]

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Construction Update Newsletter Online or at Welcome Center

A new edition of the Living Hope Construction Update is available now, and there are several ways you can read it: online, on your computer, from a copy you print, or from a copy you pick up at the Welcome Center. Elzinga & Volkers, our construction management partners, provides this monthly newsletter to keep everyone–near […]

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New 11th Street Doors in Progress

While evidence of our construction project is all over the facility, this month we’ll see change in the “face” we present to 11th Street. The doors and frames outside the narthex are in need of replacement, since they’ve suffered some deterioration over time. Since the sanctuary is the oldest part of our facility, the Design […]

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Hope Church News, November 2016

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service: Nov. 23 Small Group Sign Up Season of Reconciliation Book Discussion – Advance Notice! December, January & February Greeters First Sunday of Advent: November 27

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Health Ministry: A Faithful Fist!

That identifies the Heart that has beat in all of us since well before birth and faithfully functions until our last breath. It is a boneless fist of pulsating muscle. We can feel its rhythm at times, mostly during exertion, but rarely think of it. It takes no signal from the brain. Mysteriously, it has […]

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Photo Disclaimer

We continue to update photos on the website (HopeChurchRCA.org) throughout the year. We won’t identify the people in the photographs used on the website except in the staff directory. If you do not want pictures of yourself or your children to be displayed on the website, please contact Megan at (616) 392-7947 or marevalo@hopechurchrca.org.

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Blueberry Pie Sales Aid Haitian Child

Early this summer one of the women in the commerce program of the Haiti Foundation Against Poverty brought her then 3-year-old son, Jorvens, to their school while a visiting mission team was offering medical care. In the previous few months a tumor had grown just under Jorvens’ left eye. It was quickly determined that treatment […]

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