Hope Church 20/30s Ministry

One of our gifts at Hope Church is that we are multi-generational. We are creating opportunities that meet the needs of adults in their 20’s and 30’s, while integrating them into larger church life. Monthly summer activities, small discussion groups, and shared meals are all ways we connect young adults with the church and our […]

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Hope & Grace: Campus Ministry

Hope & Grace Campus Ministry is a shared ministry with Grace Episcopal Church. Together we create space for college students as they encounter God and one another. Our Thursday Night gatherings focus on community around a shared meal, prayer, and communion. We also offer weekend retreats in the fall and spring, as well as monthly […]

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Worship and Music: 2016-2017

Chancel Choir (High school – Adults) Brian Carder, Director Rehearsals: Sundays, 9:40 a.m. 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month, 7:00 p.m. The Chancel Choir sings weekly at the 11:00 a.m. worship service and provides leadership with liturgical songs and anthems. We love to sing and enjoy the art of making music together. Sopranos, Altos, […]

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Kids Hope: September 2016

I just returned from 2 days of intensive training for Kids Hope Directors. I came away very impressed by the prestige of this organization as well as its documented effect on at risk children. Here are a few of the things I learned: Kids Hope began in 1995 with 3 churches and 3 schools and […]

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Kids Hope: September 2016

I just returned from 2 days of intensive training for Kids Hope Directors. I came away very impressed by the prestige of this organization as well as its documented effect on at risk children. Here are a few of the things I learned: Kids Hope began in 1995 with 3 churches and 3 schools and […]

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Save your Breath!

If someone says this to you, they mean, “Don’t bother speaking, it’s futile!” However, there is much to inhale about our breath. Do you ever have to remember to breathe? Never. Those who attended you at your birth, after turning you upside down and spanking your bottom, knew they had started a function that would […]

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Stewardship & Finance Ministry

The Stewardship & Finance (S&F) Ministry of Hope Church supports the congregation and the Consistory by providing oversight and guidance of the annual financial operations of the church. Many people may think that the S&F Ministry ‘keeps the books’ for the church, but there is actually a church Financial Administrator (and other staff) who pays […]

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Your Body!- Fantabulous!

Your Body!- Fantabulous! We live in a culture fraught with superlatives and exclamation points!! See all ads and TV commercials, hear all politicians. I give the cashier the right change; “Excellent!” she says. “How’re you doing today?” I ask a guy; “Terrific!” he says. I give the receptionist the info: “Perfect!” she says. But I’m […]

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September, October, & November Greeters

The following list reflects the households assigned to greet for the next three months (Please note: the schedule for the entire year is also now posted on a “Greeter Schedule” poster in the gathering area): September Greeters 04 Rick and Deb Smith 11 Mark & Ann Sneller 18 Andrew & Kallie Spidahl 25 Cory & […]

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Rode Molla

In September of 2014 I was introduced to Rode Molla, who was an Ethiopian student at Western Theological Seminary (WTS). Rode had completed her M.A. in Children, Youth and Family Ministry at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. She had planned to go on for her PhD, but the program at Luther had been temporarily […]

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