Washington School Neighbors: Neighborhood Gardens Grow

We hope you’ve noticed the community garden on Hope Church’s property, between the church building and the day-care playground. Washington School Neighbors began the project as a place where neighbors can come together and cross paths with others in the neighborhood. We’ve hosted a variety of events there, from potluck dinners to children’s reading and […]

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Kids Hope: June/July 2016

Thirteen years ago, Larry and Karen Mulder encouraged our congregation to join them in starting up a Kids Hope program in our church. In the past 12 years I have mentored 5 children at Vanderbilt Academy. Eloise Van Heest has been my faithful prayer partner for all of those years. For the past 5 years […]

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2015 Yearly Report to Supporting Churches

Tell us about your Mission Partner and how they believe your mission work has impacted their ministry and the lives of the people they served this past year. Our work has helped the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan to identify with the people of this land, as we testify to the presence and work of Jesus […]

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Flint Water Crisis Relief – Next Steps

In partnership with Maple Avenue Ministries and other Holland congregations, Hope Church is supporting water supplies to Durant Tuuri Mott Elementary School in Flint. This school of 700+ children and staff continues to be impacted by contaminated water, and we seek to support the children, families, teachers and administrators in need of healthy water. We’re honoring the […]

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Hope Church News, June/July 2016

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: Living Hope Construction Launch Celebration: June 12 Hope Church Welcomes New Members Music Ministry Summer Opportunities Hope Church Summer Fitness Initiative Summer Preaching Schedule

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Thank Yous: May 2016

I would like to thank Bill and Judy Parr for biking over and bringing me the lovely Easter Lily. I enjoyed our visit together. ~Sincerely, Ruth Green Thank you for the prayer support, financial support and gifts of supplies for my recent trip to Haiti to work for the Haiti Foundation Against Poverty. Your gifts […]

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And Finally: May 2016

While it is just the very beginning of Spring according to the weather outside my window as I write, my mind is forging ahead much further afield in my planning. At church and at home it seems as if we are all deep into planning mode getting meeting schedules, worship plans, vacation dates, and child […]

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June, July & August Greeters

The following list reflects the households assigned to greet for the next three months (Please note: the schedule for the entire year is also now posted on a “Greeter Schedule” poster in the gathering area): June Greeters 05 Sally Winchester & Germaine Pellebon-Smith 12 Jim & Cary Russell 19 Rob & Katie VanArk 26 Tony […]

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Health Ministry: Mind-Full-Ness

In our hurry-scurry, harem-scarem, topsy-turvey world, is there room for “mindfulness”? Good question! But I heard someone say recently, “I need a good time and place to catch up with myself!” Probably all of us need to admit that. And an “experience” called “mindfulness” may be appealing to us. Appealing? As we find ourselves carried […]

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Paul Elzinga Wins Engineer of the Year Award

Hope Church member Paul Elzinga was named 2016 Engineer of the Year by the Western Chapter of the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers this week at Riverfront Hotel in Grand Rapids! Click the link to read the full article for more information: http://www.grbj.com/articles/85282-construction-veteran-wins-engineer-of-the-year-award. We are so grateful to Paul for how generously he has shared his gifts […]

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