Kids Hope: November

We are heading into our second month of mentoring students at Vanderbilt Academy. We have 12 returning mentors, and one new one. Barb Blauw will be starting with us in November. We are so pleased to be partnering with Third Reformed Church this year. They have brought us 10 new mentors! Right now we are […]

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Health Ministry: “…And What Matters at the End”

Well, that seems like a dreary title for a Health Ministry article. We try to champion that “The Glory of God is a person fully alive”. Here’s the whole title of a book some of us have read and believe is a landmark for being “fully alive” while aging and being cared for: “BEING MORTAL: […]

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At Home with the Word 2015-2016

An electronic version of the daily Bible readings for the coming year (Advent 2015-Advent 2016) can be found here: Printed copies will be available at the Advent table in the gathering area.

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Washington School Neighbors: November

You have probably heard the story of the traveler that taught the village how to make stone soup. One day she wandered into a village after a long hard day’s hike and needed something to eat, but couldn’t find anyone willing to share what they had. “Sorry,” she kept hearing, “there’s only enough for me […]

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Hope Church Members Receive Awards

Maxine DeBruyn was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) on October 10th during the group’s 17th Annual National Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. She was honored for making a difference in dance education locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally across a career spanning more than 50 years. To read more […]

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Nativity Scene Needed

Are you willing to lend Hope Church your nativity scene to help decorate the gathering area for the season of Advent and Christmas? Regardless of size, whatever you have, we will use! Contact Kathy Sheridan or the church office if you are willing to share your nativity scene for this season. You may also include a short […]

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Health Ministry Tidbits: October

1. Holland Hospital has a grant for providing mammograms and ultrasounds for women of Ottawa County who cannot afford these lifesaving tests. Please contact Ginger Clark RN for details if you are in need or know of someone who is. 2. Please contact the Health Ministry Team if you are in need of an outdoor ramp. There is a […]

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Youth Connections

At the end of June Hope Church hosted two teams from a new initiative in Holland called Youth Connections. These teams are made up of five teenagers (age 14-17) and an adult supervisor, and are effectively contracted for a week by a variety of organizations around the community doing jobs ranging from organizational work in […]

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Blueberry Pies: Thank You

Thank you to the many hands who helped with the making and distribution of the blueberry pies, and thanks to all of you who purchased them. We made 309 pies and had a profit of $3,040. From this, $1,000 will be sent directly to the Haiti Foundation Against Poverty to pay for materials for the […]

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And Finally: October

“Our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth.” Those words from Psalm 124 often begin the liturgy at Hope Church. Have you ever noticed or wondered in that verse why the word “Lord” is in small caps like that? Last month Pastor Jill (God bless her on her sabbatical!) […]

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