New Organ CD Available!

If you enjoy listening to preludes and postludes each week at Hope Church, and would like the chance to hear more of Rhonda’s playing wherever you are, you are in luck! Rhonda has just self-produced a CD, recorded last year in Chicago, and it is available for $15 from her. Entitled “Subtlety and Sparkle: Rhonda […]

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A Vietnam Story

I’d like to invite you to sponsor me, as I run with my daughter Elyse in the Holland Park-2-Park Half Marathon on September 26, in support of children in Vietnam with HIV/AIDS. Our family started on this Vietnam journey after a family visit in 2007. We began working with 17 children with HIV/AIDS in Ho […]

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Will You Help Change a Child’s Life This Year?

As we look forward to the beginning of our Kids Hope program year, we are delighted to announce a new partnership with Third Reformed Church. With the blessing of Kids Hope USA, we will be working together to provide mentors, prayer partners and substitute mentors for the at-risk children of Vanderbilt. The program at Third […]

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Hope Church News, September 2015

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: September 13 is Fall Kick-off Sunday Photo Directory: Sept. 21-26 2015-2016 Christian Education Brochure A Vietnam Story New Organ CD available!

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Deacons’ Fund: Help from the “Yellow Envelopes”

Often our pastors or the staff encounter someone with a need— money for food, gas to get to a job interview, counseling to help with a family situation—and want to help. Thank goodness for your generous support of the Deacons’ Fund! It gives the staff a source of ready cash to respond right away. (If […]

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Neighborhood Connection

The Neighborhood Connector role for Washington School Neighborhood, which Hope Church has been supporting for the past several years and which I currently inhabit 20 hrs a week, is a bit hard to explain (at least in detail). I thought I’d share a connection story to help paint the picture as well as celebrate what […]

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September, October & November Greeters

The following list reflects the households assigned to greet for the next three months: September Greeters 06 Mary Meyer & Penny Miller 13 Richard & Barbara Mezeske 20 Mary Mokma & Kari Miller-Fenwood 27 Tony & Cassandra Moreno October Greeters 04 Larry & Karen Mulder 11 Ron & Sandra Mulder 18 Tom Mullens & Carol […]

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Introduction to Sharon Arendshorst, Sabbatical Pastoral Care

Tom and I joined Hope Church in 2009 following my retirement as a RCA Specialized Interim Minister (SIM). I attended Western Theological Seminary in the 1990s with a desire to dig more deeply into the scriptures. To my surprise and by God’s hidden design, I graduated six years later with a M.Div. degree, and felt […]

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Introduction to New Parish Nurse

Greetings to my Hope Church family! As the new Parish Nurse, I’d like to share my vision and commitment to the good health of all of us- BODY, MIND and SPIRIT. Please note my recommendations of what a Parish Nurse is and how I can help – along with our wonderful Health Ministry Team. The […]

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