The Building and Grounds Ministry

The Building and Grounds Ministry is responsible for the care and maintenance of the physical facilities and the grounds of Hope Church. It oversees repair and replacement of systems and equipment, the purchase of expendable supplies, and the payment for utilities and services. This ministry takes seriously the commitment to be good stewards of our […]

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June, July, August Greeters Schedule

Below are the households assigned to greet prior to the 10 a.m. service in the upcoming months*. Please note that worship in the sanctuary begins at 10:00 a.m. May 24-September 6. June Greeters 07 Fred & Charlotte Leaske 14 Jean McFadden & Sebastiano Picciuca 21 Don & Peg Luidens 28 Linda McFadden & Ann Meengs […]

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And Finally: May 2015

It’s hard to believe that I am coming into the end of my seventh year as co-pastor here at Hope Church. On the one hand, this place feels so much like home that it feels like I’ve been here much longer. On the other hand, the time has gone by so very fast. As you […]

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Sabbatical Staffing Plan ~ Fall 2015

As Pastor Jill is on sabbatical this Fall, the Personnel Committee has put together a staffing plan to help cover some of her ongoing responsibilities. The Consistory has approved this plan and funding for these staffing needs was set aside by the Consistory previously. Worship & Preaching Each month there will be a different leader […]

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Attention Graduates!

Please call or email the office with details of graduation from high school, college, or graduate school. If you know your future plans, please include those. We will recognize our graduates at a later date in a Sunday worship bulletin.

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Follow-up on Comedications

Is COMEDIcatisons just a cutesy word to get attention? Is using humor for health purposes just a gimmick- a psychological trick? Is laughter/funny-stuff just a temporary uplift?- an emotional shot to help forget for a while? “Medication” immediately conjures up pills, potions, shots and sedations. Let’s get literal: Medicinal- “having the properties of curing, healing […]

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Health Ministry Says Fond Farewell to Julia Brown

To my friends in Christ at Hope Church, I want to thank you for warmly welcoming me into the Hope Church community during my internship this past year and a half. Your support, care, and witness to the Word have been such a blessing and inspiration! I am particularly grateful for the opportunity to serve […]

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Resurrection Work: A Conversation about Lenten Art

During this season of Lent we were privileged to enjoy artwork created by Hope Church member Kari Miller-Fenwood on our bulletin covers and displayed in the gathering area. The artwork will remain during May, with one more piece being installed on May 10th. The following is part of a conversation I had with Kari about […]

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Dishwashing Details

We have hired Loretta Smith in a new modified housekeeper position that is only on Monday mornings (about 1-1.5 hours a week on average). Loretta’s work involves doing any dishes from Sunday and cleaning the kitchen up. Ric Beltran will be providing support for events at other times in the week. A few other items […]

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