Prayer Shawls

Knitting prayer shawls is a ministry – a ministry that does not expect anything in return. What does return to you are amazing blessings that one would never think possible. A Prayer Shawl is a covering of knitted yarn, full of prayer, mystery and peace. It is knit with love and prayers to remind the […]

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And Finally: February 2015

As the Season of Reconciliation continues, I’d like to share two voices from our Reformed Church in America denomination. The first is a bold call by the RCA General Secretary, Tom DeVries, for the RCA to listen to minority leaders. The second is from one such leader in Holland, my esteemed colleague Rev. Denise Kingdom […]

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Appreciation for Caring for Creation Leadership

It was July 2002 when Peter Boogaart agreed that the new Caring for Creation initiative could be “an area where he would have some energy to give.” Little did he know that it was a twelve-year commitment! During that time, Peter arranged innumerable educational sessions, informational exhibits, and outdoor outings and activities for the elucidation […]

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Washington School Neighbors: Feb. 2015

“And the light shines in the darkness; and the darkness does not overcome it.” (John 1:5) You may have seen, and certainly must have heard about the sharp rise in graffiti activity in the City of Holland in the last month or so. Someone or some group out there wants to make their mark and […]

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Annual Congregation Meeting Highlights

From the January 18, 2015 Congregational Meeting Looking back at 2014, highlights, concerns, and ideas were shared, using the Discerning Our Future themes as a guide for those reflections. Pastor Jill and Pastor Gordon shared a report called “A Year in the Life of Hope Church.” Copies are available in the office and at the […]

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Hope Church News, February 2015

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: Wednesday Evening Series: Season of Lent Invitation to “Body and Soul: We Belong” Adult Education Classes Appreciation for Caring for Creation Leadership Design Work for Living Hope Underway March, April, and May Greeters

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The Worship, Prayer, and Spirituality Ministry: Focus on the “PS”

Prayer and Spirituality is part of the “WPS” for Worship, Prayer, and Spirituality Ministry, but that doesn’t make it an “afterthought.” WPS attends to prayer and spirituality matters because these are integral to our life of faith, and to growing our faith. Perhaps you’ve attended a Quiet Day, or ventured to a retreat with this […]

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Hypertension: The Silent Killer

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a disease that affects many Americans whether they know it or not. Hypertension is known as the silent killer because often there are no symptoms. High blood pressure cannot be cured. It is treated through a variety of means. Blood pressure is the force that blood moving through the […]

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Lakeshore Parish Nurse Partners

Hope Church in the Community Keeping you informed of the agencies Hope Church supports through the Community Ministry The Lakeshore Parish Nurse Partners program works to assure health care for members of our community by providing education and support for parish nurses. In addition to monthly gatherings for sharing experiences and learning, the organization hosted […]

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WSN Update: January 2015

As we look to the new year, celebrating the accomplishments of the past year as well as re-evaluating our learning moments, let’s keep in mind these words from John McKnight and Peter Block. Perhaps they can offer us some touchstones for a ‘way of being’ in community: “Building community is more than occasional, tangible events […]

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