Kids Hope: January is National Mentoring Month!

January is National Mentoring Month! Along with others in a variety of programs across the nation, we wish to recognize the contributions of our mentors this January, but we also wish to recognize the prayer partners and substitute mentors without whose support, our mentors would not be able to make the impact they make in […]

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And Finally: January 2015

On December 8, 2014 the Hope Church Consistory approved the hanging of a banner in front of the church on 11th Street with the words “Black Lives Matter.” Consistory discussed this decision well, and seeks for this banner to be a prophetic voice proclaiming God’s kingdom of love and life to our community. What follows […]

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Season of Reconciliation 2015: Jan. 18 – Feb. 8

Worship Early Worship 8:30 am Liturgical Worship 11 am Witness to Reconciliation Each Sunday throughout the season of reconciliation at 11 AM worship, a member of our congregation is asked to speak to the notion of personal reconciliation in their own lives. Each will be given a few minutes during our time in worship. These […]

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Offering Envelopes for 2015

Offering Envelopes for 2015 are available for pick up in the Gathering Area.  If you are unable to come to worship and need your envelopes mailed, please call the church office.  Special envelopes for contributions to the Deacons Fund are enclosed, as well as envelopes for special holiday offerings.

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Hope Church News, January 2015

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: Season of Reconciliation January 18-February 8, 2015 Congregational Meeting January 18 Next up for A Living Hope Campaign January is National Mentoring Month! And Finally

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Christmas Offering to Support Addressing Ebola Outbreak

The Christmas offering will support organizations addressing the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa. Hope Church will support Doctors Without Borders, which is one of the most effective organizations in working with local partners to offer both treatment and prevention – The Christmas Offering will also support the We-Care Library in Monrovia, Liberia (supported by […]

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Some Thoughts about Feelings

Our culture places a lot of emphasis on feelings. We ask our neighbors “How are you?” or “How are you feeling?” We talk about how we feel in passing conversation. “I’m so tired. I don’t feel like going to work today.” We speak these words over and over like a broken record (for those of […]

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Washington School Neighbors Update: December

Do you ever get an idea stuck in your head? Or a vision for something as yet unreached, but you can’t stop asking yourself how it could come to be? Do you ever wonder if God’s Spirit is revealing something in those moments? A couple of months ago, a member from Hope Church was sorting […]

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Shakespeare Behind Bars

Hope Church in the Community Have you heard of “Shakespeare Behind Bars”? What does this name bring to mind for you? Well, the name exactly describes what Curt Tofteland has spent the last 20 years of his life doing: creating and running a program that “serves incarcerated adults and youth using exclusively the works of […]

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Consistory Corner: November

At the Consistory Meeting of November 10, 2014 the following Motions were passed: To adopt the name A Living Hope to designate the Hope Church capital campaign and renovation project. To give permission to Executive Committee to sign contracts for the first phase of the renovation project so it will proceed in a timely manner. […]

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