Help Women in Haiti Keep Their Children

Products from the Gift of Hope sewing program in Haiti will be available in the Gathering Area on Sunday, December 14. Sales of these items is the main, and sometimes only, income for these women, and allows them to care for themselves and their children. Samples of the products can be viewed on, the […]

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Kids Hope USA: December Update

Our Kids Hope program year is now entering its third month and we are enjoying the benefits of growing relationships between our mentors and their Kids Hope students. We are delighted to see these relationships developing, because without a strong relationship it’s very difficult to affect the social and academic growth we all want for […]

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Holland Free Health Clinic

This month the Community Ministry would like to tell you about the Holland Free Health Clinic. This ministry facilitates access to health care for those in need in the Holland-Zeeland community. There is an on-sight dental clinic that provides teeth cleanings, restorations and extractions. The health clinic also provides eye exams and eyeglasses, help with […]

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Disability Awareness

We encounter people with disabilities throughout our lives: in our jobs, churches, schools and in passing on the street. You may have a loved one who has a disability. People with disabilities are everywhere in our community. We co-exist with them, but do we understand their needs, enter into friendships or work relationships with them? […]

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Hope Church News, December 2014

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: Advent 2014 Christmas Cards for our Members Hope Church Welcomes New Members Learn more about Shakespeare Behind Bars Advent Alternative Worship Service starting 9:30 AM, November 30

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Photo Disclaimer

We continue to update photos on the website ( throughout the year. We won’t identify the people in the photographs used on the website except in the staff directory. If you do not want pictures of yourself or your children to be displayed on the website, please contact Megan at (616) 392-7947 or

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Thank You from WSN

To our neighbors at Hope Church, Greetings! We are so grateful for your Church and your impact and light in our neighborhood! We have been profoundly thankful for your support in many forms. Your congregation’s partnership with WSN has come through your many volunteers of all ages, through financial support, and the prayers you regularly […]

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Pastor Jill’s November “And Finally”

In our weekly Monday morning staff meeting, a different member of the staff leads us all in devotions as we begin the week together. (By the way, just after staff meeting we gather in the hallway in front of the office for coffee time from 10am-10:30am. We welcome anyone to join us so if ever […]

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Ministry Highlight: Fellowship Ministry

If you have ever attended the Kick-Off Picnic in the fall, a craft night during Advent, a simple supper in Lent or a Pizza Sunday you have experienced the Fellowship Ministry at work. The goal of this ministry is to provide opportunities for fun and fellowship among the members and friends of Hope Church. Many […]

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Thanksgiving Offering to Support Launch of Neighborhood Programs

About six blocks south of Hope Church, a house has been renovated to become Nuestra Casa (or “our house”), a neighborhood center for social and educational activities, and a place where community can be built, one relationship at a time. The Nuestra Casa building is owned by our RCA partner, New Community Fourth Reformed Church. […]

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