Sing a New Song?

What does it mean to “sing a new song unto the Lord?” (from Psalm 96). I don’t think it’s because God is tired of the old songs, or that we’ve worn down the meaningfulness of songs we know well. Rather, I think the phrase refers to the expressions from a renewed spirit, awakened with new […]

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At Home With the Word: 2014-2015

The daily Bible readings from At Home with the Word 2014-2015 are now available online (click here) and in the church office. These readings are part of a regular, three-year rotation known as the Revised Common Lectionary. Though the lectionary was first developed a long time ago, you will be surprised how frequently the reading […]

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December, January & February Greeters

The following list reflects the households assigned to greet prior to the 11am service for the next three months*: December Greeters 07 Jeff & Cathy Green 14 Kristen Hintz & Ellen Hale 21 Steve & Sue Griffore 28 Curtis & Lezlie Gruenler January Greeters 04 Steve & Michael Hopkins 11 Peter & Carole Hintz 18 […]

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Kids Hope USA: November Update

We had a wonderful recruiting period this year and are so happy to announce that Vern Boersma, Dave Dirkse, Jackie Knoll, Barb Knoops, Tim Pennings and Chad Stanley have joined our program as mentors. Additionally Claire Heyboer has returned as a mentor and Signe Johnson, Norma Killilea, Dave Boelkins and Marlin VanderWilt have become members […]

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Washington School Neighbors November Update

Washington School Neighbors Garden As winter moves ever closer, volunteers will be winterizing the Neighborhood Garden beds by weeding and preparing the soil for the cold weather. We hope to have some family gatherings at the site in the months ahead: Christmas caroling, snowman-building or even creating a snow fort. Tool Shed Donations Needed As […]

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Thanksgiving Turkey Drive Starts in November

IT’S ALMOST TRADITIONAL! We join in Community Actions House’s THANKSGIVING BOXES EFFORT to provide a celebration dinner for over a thousand struggling families in our area by providing Turkeys for the center of their tables! Starting on Sunday, November 2, the TURKEY TABLE with its spread of feathers awaits your contributions in the Gathering Area, costing […]

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Winds of Change Essay

The Winds of Change, an essay by James K. Haveman, Director of the Michigan Department of Community Health, is available at the Welcome Center in the Gathering Area, and also is available online by clicking here. Mr. Haveman, a guest speaker during the Adult Education Disability Awareness Series, wrote the article on September 2, 2014, […]

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Hope Church News, November 2014

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: December, January, and February Greeters Thanksgiving Turkey Drive Bread for the World Renovation and Capital Campaign Team Forms 9:30 AM Sunday Advent Worship

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Special Education Ministry of Holland

Hope Church in the Community: Keeping you informed of the agencies Hope Church supports through the Community Ministry This month the Community Ministry would like to tell you about the Special Education Ministry of Holland. This ministry provides Christian education and fellowship for adults with developmental disabilities. Every Thursday evening at 7pm, from September through […]

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