Words can be demeaning regardless of the intent behind them. “What’s wrong with you? Why do you always walk around with your head in the clouds? How could you forget to pick up the milk? I told you three times.” These are the kinds of things a person who has attention deficit disorder or ADD […]

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Caring for Creation: October 2014

Kudos to faith communities, places like Hope Church, where genuine caring takes place. Our caring is most obvious in tragedy—the auto collision, surgery, or house fire. When life hurts most, people of faith show up—with lasagna, a ride to the airport, or just a phone call. Most acts of kindness are unsung; often people want […]

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Calling All Snowbirds

SNOWBIRDS! Please call the church office at 392-7947 to let us know when you’ll be leaving and what your temporary address will be so that you can continue receiving the Hope Church News and other church mailings!

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New Hymnals

In the last decade, the volume of hymn and worship song writing has been at its highest level. It is our mission to continue to include and infuse our worship with the best available worship music for our congregation. As our current hymnal is nearly 20 years old (which is also the average lifespan of […]

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Washington School Neighbors Update: October 2014

10th St. Gardens – We are happy to have growing garden boxes and harvested produce in the neighborhood, and want to extend a special thanks to Hope Church and Third Reformed Church for their space and volunteers to make this happen for this past growing season. As a result, neighbors who would have otherwise had […]

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Personal Care Assistants Needed for Randy Smit

Hope church elder Randy Smit is looking for personal care assistants. Randy and his wife Jill live about 10 minutes from Hope Church and it is their intention to hire two individuals to assist with his daily physical needs. Applicants would need to be strong enough to do daily lifting and bring a mature capacity […]

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October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The Community Ministry reminds you that October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In your thoughts, prayers and actions: Mourn those who have died because of domestic violence Celebrate those who have survived Connect those who need help Support those who work to end violence This designation by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence helps […]

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Cleaning Up the Church Gardens

This task needs to be completed soon! If you or a group you belong to have “adopted” a section of the church gardens, we need you to clean up your plot for fall. City curbside pick-up (of leaves only) will be from October 5 to November 9. Please bring your own clippers, rakes, etc. If […]

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Ministry Highlight: Outreach and Hospitality

The Outreach and Hospitality Ministry reaches out to Hope Church visitors and strives to foster a sense of warmth, openness and hospitality that will enrich the life of the church. The ministry plans and coordinates the new member classes and confirmation activities, Sunday greeters, production of the Hope Church News and media coverage, staffs the […]

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Office Staff Reconfiguration

The Hope Church Office has gone through a recent reconfiguration! Megan Arevalo, church administrator, will now also be responsible for many of the old communication coordinator position’s responsibilities, such as the newsletter, website/Facebook, and advertising. Glorie Orozco, our new administrative assistant, will assist Megan in her duties, and take on the role of receptionist in […]

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