Test Your Home Energy Efficiency Knowledge

Peter Boogaart, Caring for Creation Coordinator Eight Hope Church families are working together to make their homes more energy efficient. There will be a lot of work eventually, but first comes education. You can’t get significant energy efficiency improvement without first learning how to do it. Check out your energy efficiency knowledge with this quiz. […]

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Dave DeBlock Awarded Habitat Volunteer of the Year

Hope Church member, Dave DeBlock, was recently awarded Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity’s 2013 Volunteer of the Year. Dave has been volunteering with Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity for 15+ years. The organization noted that Dave is “instrumental in developing our house plans and working to complete the houses he designs. Dave inspires others through his passion […]

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Consistory Corner

At their meeting in May, the consistory acted on the following issues that came before them: The consistory accepted the resignations of Laurie Beyer Braaksma from her position as Church Administrator and Anne Duinkerken from her position as Youth Ministry Director. The consistory expressed their deep gratitude for both Laurie and Anne for their years […]

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Hope Church News, June/July 2014

Catch up on the latest Hope Church News! In this issue: Go & Glow Summer Fitness Initiative is back Consistory Corner Home Energy Efficiency Quiz Ministry Highlight: The Communications Task Force Kids Hope USA Celebrate Program Year

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Caring for Creation: Enjoy Our County Parks

The Ottawa County Parks Challenge was great fun last year. But, just because that was last year doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the parks this year too. Check out the parks newsletter. If the link does not work, go to www.miottawa.org/parks and click on the newsletter link on the left side of the home […]

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Hospital Stays: Observation vs. Admission

Donita Robards, RN, Parish Nurse It is no secret that hospitals are trying to stay afloat through mergers and shorter inpatient hospital stays. But have you heard of observation vs. admission stays? Observation status isn’t a new concept; it’s been around for many years, but hospitals have increased their number of observation stays and the […]

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Blueberry Pie Sales Provide Sewing Machines in Haiti

Several sewing machines and sewing supplies were purchased with the proceeds from last summer’s blueberry pie sales. A big thank you is extended to all who helped with the preparation and selling of the pies and to all who purchased pies. Below is a letter from Marci Thurlow with the Haiti Foundation Against Poverty. If […]

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Hope Church Consistory Approves Statement on Social Activism

You may remember reading in a consistory corner column last fall that the Consistory has been discussing how we at Hope Church engage in faith and politics. In particular, the Consistory wanted to get clear about what might be some guiding principles for them as they consider whether to speak out publicly about issues of […]

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Job Opportunity: Church Administrator (part-time)

In light of Laurie Beyer Braaksma’s resignation from her position as Hope Church Administrator, we are now posting the following job opportunity. Please share this job posting with anyone you know who might be interested, or if you are interested in this position please let us know. We are eager to find the right person […]

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