Caring for Creation Energy Challenge

Peter Boogaart, Caring for Creation Coordinator “An unexamined life is not worth living.” I first heard this statement from the lips of Anwar Sadat. I remember taking a mental pause and thinking, “That’s worth holding onto.”  Well so much for my limited education, I’ve since learned that Sadat was quoting Socrates. Examination is indeed a […]

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Experiences of a Newbie Kids Hope Mentor

 Dave Schmitt, Hope Church Kids Hope Mentor I will admit that I went into this mentoring process with more than a little bit of trepidation. While I really wanted to help and make a difference, I was mindful of my limited skill-set when it comes to verbal communications, especially with a young child. I could […]

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Ministry Highlight: Adult Education

Looking for Fresh Ideas and Younger Members Adult Education is a Task Force of the Christian Education Ministry. Most people think of adult education as what adults who are not in choir practice and are not brunching at a restaurant do at Hope Church between 9:40 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. each Sunday morning during the […]

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Hope Church in the Community: Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity

Keeping you informed of the agencies Hope Church supports through the Community Ministry Peter Boogaart, Community Ministry Member Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity has been affiliated with Habitat International since 1990. Almost from the start, Hope Church has been a supporting partner. Dave DeBlock has long been our liaison to Habitat. “There is a home on […]

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Plant a Row for Your Neighbors

The Community Ministry is inviting the congregation to plant an extra row of food in their gardens this summer to share fresh produce with neighbors who might otherwise not have access to such garden goodness. You can bring your extra harvest either directly to the Community Action House (CAH) or to church on Sundays and […]

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Andrew Spidahl to Begin Ministry as Pastoral Resident

It is with joy that I share the news that Andrew Spidahl will begin his ministry as our Pastoral Resident beginning on April 7th! You may recall the announcement at the Annual Meeting that we requested approval from Church of the Servant in Grand Rapids, Michigan to be included in their Pastoral Residency program which […]

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April is National Volunteer Month

Laurie Beyer Braaksma, Church Administrator There are many people who give their time and talent to Hope Church in various ways. Individuals of all ages volunteer in the Nursery, Church School, Children in Worship, Adult Education, Fish Club, High Hopes, Kids Hope USA, WTS Community Kitchen, Lakeshore Habitat for Humanity, church office assistance (such as […]

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Hope Church News, April 2014

In this Issue Worship During Holy Week Ministry Highlight: Adult Education Paul Smith’s Witness to Reconciliation Kids Hope: Experiences of a Newbie Mentor and much more!   Current newsletters are available on the Happening page. Past newsletters (starting in 2013) can be found on the Archives page.

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Be a part of Team “Know Hope”

Hope Church Co-Ed Softball is on the horizon! The season begins in mid May. People of all skill levels are welcome to participate. The team is especially looking for more women to join! There has to be 4 women each week to play in the co–ed league, so at least 10 women need to sign […]

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Kids Hope, Connecting with Community for 11 Years

Anne Duinkerken & Barbara Joldersma, Hope Church Kids Hope Co-Directors The Hope Church Kids Hope Program is now in its 11th year working to meet the needs of grade school children who are deemed to be at-risk. Over the years, the program has gone through many different funding changes. Currently, the staff salaries paid to […]

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