Congregational Care Groups

The Congregational Care Ministry, under the leadership of the Hope Church Pastors and Consistory, attends to members’ overall health and connections to the life of the church. Each member is a part of a Care Group, which has a leadership team including two who are elders or deacons. To find out which Care Group you’re […]

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The Importance of Being Prepared

 Donita Robards, RN, Parish Nurse Most of us have heard the old motto, “Be prepared.” In the event of an emergency, how prepared are you? Many people believe they are ready because they know what to do.  Knowing what to do, doesn’t mean we have taken the time to make a plan or gather supplies. […]

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Pray for Keith & Denise Krebs, Serving in Bahrain

Keith and Denise Krebs are new RCA missionaries Hope Church is supporting in Bahrain. Please keep them in your prayers. Dear Friends, Denise and I are feeling so humbled and blessed as we settle into our life here in Bahrain.  Denise has taken a position as a Kindergarten teacher at Al Raja School and I […]

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Be a Mentor for a Child from a Migrant Family

Mentors are needed for the Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance’s Migrant Mentoring Program. The program is seeking community volunteers to be matched with a child from a migrant family to meet weekly during the family’s seasonal residence in this area. Goals include, “improving academic achievement, developing cross-cultural connections, and reducing the isolation of the migrant community.” […]

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Connecting with At-Risk Youth

Outreach & Hospitality Ministry Over the past several months, the Outreach and Hospitality Ministry has been researching ministries and programs that serve at-risk youth in the Holland community. The Ministry would like to inform Hope Church members of a new program, Holland Youth Connections, and ways to get involved. Last summer, 12 at-risk teens (14-17 […]

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Ministry Highlight: Caring for Creation

Our Roots and our Future by Peter Boogaart, Caring for Creation Coordinator The roots of the Hope Church Caring for Creation Ministry go back to 2002; that’s the year when we received a challenge from the denomination to begin a Creation Care ministry. The challenge didn’t come with many specifics, but there was a broad […]

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Hope Church in the Community: Holland Community Health Center

Keeping you informed of the agencies Hope Church  supports through the Community Ministry Dave De Block, Community Ministry Member Through the Community Ministry, Hope Church supports  the Holland Community Health Center. According to our own Dr. Tom Arendshorst, “The Holland Community Health Center does a fabulous job of addressing both current and long-term health care […]

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A Message from Pastor Gordon: Do something different for Lent

Conclusion: do something different for Lent. So here’s how I got to that conclusion. I am an avowed convert to the liturgical year. I’m a convert in the sense that I grew up in a church with a basic sense of the church seasons, but then in seminary and as a pastor I’ve come to […]

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Lent Devotional Materials

Lent devotionals for adults, youth and families are available in the Gathering Area. For Adults: Signs of Lent A series of weekly handouts will be available which invite you to connect with Jesus’ ministry through tangible signs such as water, wind and light encountering the holy in unexpected places. Each weekly handout includes artwork to […]

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The Cross Shop: Finding Healing at the Intersection

During Lent you will find a “Cross Shop” sitting on a table in the sanctuary. The cross has become a symbol within our faith for the intersection between our need and God’s promise of healing and salvation. The Health Ministry offers this space during Lent for people to take a cross and write a word […]

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