Thank You from Claire & Scott Rumpsa, Nuru International

Dear Hope Church, Thank you so much for your incredible generosity to Nuru International through the Christmas Offering. We are truly overwhelmed by the level of support that Hope Church has shown to so many people living in extreme poverty in rural Kenya. The money will go towards Nuru’s response to the drought and maize […]

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Hope Church Welcomes New Intern, Julia Brown

Welcome to our new WTS Intern, Julia Brown. Julia will be with us this semester and through the next program year. Please be sure to welcome her as she serves and learns among us. Greetings to all! My name is Julia Brown, and I am very excited to begin an internship this winter at Hope […]

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Caring for Creation News: There is a Way

Peter Boogaart, Caring for Creation Coordinator People who think they know everything are very offensive to those of us who do! If you’re laughing you get the point. Decision making isn’t easy and rarely is there going to be an occasion when everyone agrees. Nevertheless, decisions are important and wrong decisions can be disastrous. I […]

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Liberian Library Re-Dedicates The David Klooster Children’s Room

On Tuesday, December 10, 2013 the WE-CARE Library in Liberia re-dedicated its children’s room in honor of the late Dr. David Klooster, a member of Hope Church. The children’s room was established under the WE-CARE Library with support from David and his wife, Patricia Bloem, and Hope Church. David ran workshops and assisted the teachers as […]

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Building & Grounds Ministry Highlight

The Building and Grounds Ministry is responsible for the care and maintenance of the physical facilities and the grounds of Hope Church. It oversees repair and replacement of systems and equipment, the purchase of expendable supplies, and the payment for utilities and services. This ministry takes seriously the commitment to be good stewards of our […]

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Technology in Caregiving

Donita Robards, RN, Parish Nurse If you’re under the age of thirty, chances are you embrace the age of technology. After all, you were practically raised on it from the cradle. But while you are looking up football scores, holiday recipes, and music downloads, take a few moments to see how technology can help you […]

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Weekly Updates from Missionaries, Dave and Char Alexander

Hope Church continues to support Dave and Char Alexander and their mission work in Taiwan. Read their weekly updates here. Charlene Bos and David Alexander met in Taiwan in 1976 while serving as RCA volunteers. They were married four years later, and returned to Taiwan in 1982 as career missionaries. Currently, Char teaches English at […]

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Cook Book Auction Results

A silent auction of old Hope Church cook books was held during the months of October and November 2013. There were books from 1896, 1904, 1926, 1935, 1942, and 1977. The books were donated by Marty LaBarge and the proceeds from the auction came to a total of $140! This money will go to the […]

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Brim Bunch to Honor Vern and Lois Boersma

Judy Parr The married couple who currently hold title to the longest membership in Hope Church, 142 years between them, are Vern and Lois Boersma. The Boersmas were among the couples who formed the Mr. and Mrs. Club in 1951. Organized shortly before Christmas, the club declared its first project to be conducting a Christmas […]

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January is National Mentoring Month

            Anne Duinkerken & Barbara Joldersma, Kids Hope USA Co-Directors Along with others in a variety of programs across the nation, we wish to recognize the contributions of our mentors this January. We also wish to recognize the prayer partners and substitute mentors, without whose support, our mentors would not […]

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