January and February Greeters

The following list reflects the households assigned to greet prior to the 11am service for the upcoming months: January Greeters 05  Michelle Bombe & Curt Tofteland 12  Schoon-Tanis Family 19  Bob & Judy Bos 26  Calvin & Barbara Bouma February Greeters 02  Terry & Tracy Brower 09  Margaret & Leah Buckley 16  Joanne Brooks & […]

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2014 Offering Envelopes

Envelopes for 2014 offerings are available for pick-up in the Gathering Area. They are displayed alphabetically and we request that you pick up envelopes for your entire family. If you are unable to be in worship and need your envelopes mailed, please call the church office. Special envelopes for the initial offering and for contributions […]

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A Note from our Seminary Intern

Friends, It has been my joy this past semester…to be fed by many of you. I would like to thank those of you who have hosted me for “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.” The gift of food, hospitality, conversation, game playing and art and craft making was more than I could have imagined; for this […]

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“Thank You” from Community Action House

To the Hope Church Family: For most of us – ‘Life Is Good’! I think though that life, similar to sleep, health and wealth, must be interrupted at some point before it can be truly appreciated.  For only when we’ve had the personal perspective of interrupted life can we most fully understand and value that…‘Life […]

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A Message from Pastor Gordon: Back from Sabbatical!

Thank you! The saying goes that you can’t say “thank you” too often, and that’s what it feels like to me about my sabbatical.  I have tried to make a point of thanking you, my Hope Church congregation, before, during, and after my sabbatical this past Fall, for the simple reason that I truly am […]

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Hope Church News, January 2014

Download Now In this issue: Season of Reconciliation Adult Education Small Group Bible Study Building & Grounds Ministry Highlight Missionary Update: Dave & Char Alexander and much more! Current newsletters are available on the Happening page. Past newsletters (starting in 2013) can be found on the Archives page.

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Christmas Offering Supports Sustainable Development

The Deacons have designated NURU International to receive the proceeds from the 2013 Christmas offering. NURU is a development organization committed to ending extreme poverty in remote, rural areas in Kenya in a sustainable way. NURU uses an integrated development model that includes healthcare, agriculture, education, and community savings programs. In the past year, a […]

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Holistic Health Care

Donita Robards, RN, Parish Nurse Holistic health, also known as integrative health, interlinks mind, body, and spirit together to create wholeness within. Orthodox medicine, also called allopathic medicine, is the absence of disease. Allopathic medicine is very helpful in treating illness through medications and surgery, and it has its place firmly rooted in our society. […]

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Reconciliation Ministry Highlight

The Reconciliation Ministry at Hope Church is called upon to be a mindful steward of our theme to provide provisions for the journey, welcome all, connect with and witness to the community; and engender deep engagement. “This ministry  will focus on Hope Church’s commitment to reconciliation, peace, and justice.” In 2010, the consistory added this […]

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Wisdom for the Caregiver

On October 21, a presentation was given by Karen and Larry Mulder entitled, “What We Learned about Care Giving in the House of the Dying.” Karen and Larry reflected on what they learned in the House of the Dying during their time spent in Haiti. From this humbling and sacred experience they learned (or relearned) […]

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