Hope Church Cookbook Silent Auction

Do you have a yen for old things or have a friend for whom a well loved cook book would make a good gift?  Here is your chance to obtain a unique one! Several years ago, a silent auction of old Hope Church cook books was held and the proceeds added to the Women’s Circles […]

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Room for All Conference Promises Learning and Transformation: Oct. 24-26

Jane Dickie, Reconciliation Ministry Hope Church welcomes all! This is who we are and who we aspire to be following in God’s inclusive love. One of the hallmarks of this congregation is that we are eager and open to learning. It was this inclusivity and the desire to continue to learn and grow in Christ […]

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Kids Hope USA: Prayers for a New Year

Please pray for our returning mentors, prayer partners, and Kids Hope Vanderbilt students as they resume their work together during the first week of October. It takes a little longer to begin working with students who are new to the program, but we hope to have all of our mentors working with students by the […]

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Consistory Corner: Aug. and Sept. Updates

The Hope Church consistory met in August and September and the following actions were taken at each of those meetings. August The Personnel committee presented a report summarizing the staff reviews and the pastoral reviews that were held in the spring and early summer. This was the year for Pastor Jill’s 360º review with feedback […]

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Western Seminary and the Teaching Church

Last year marked the beginning of a new imitative at Western Theological Seminary (WTS). Hope Church is one of approximately 30 congregations who are called a Teaching Church for WTS. In the past, congregations who could afford to would hire a seminary intern. There were guidelines that the students needed to follow for these internships […]

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A Note from our Seminary Interns

Hello all! I am Danielle Floerchinger-Herrington, though many friends and family refer to me as “Danie.” My last name is so long due to the fact that I was recently married on July 6th, 2013 and decided to hyphenate my last name. My husband, Alex, and I are both from Iowa and met at Northwestern […]

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Volunteer Position: Advocate for Disability Concerns at Hope Church

Description & Covenant Position: Hope Church Advocate volunteer for Disability Concerns Duration: Two years (renewable) Commitment: 2-4 hours per month (1-2 hours in supporting people with disabilities and their families; 1-2 hours in follow-up, research, networking, etc.) Goal: To champion the full inclusion of people with disabilities in church life at Hope Church Activities and […]

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Women in the Old Testament led by Lynn Japinga

While Pastor Gordon Wiersma is on sabbatical through November, we welcome Rev. Dr. Lynn Japinga, who will be leading in worship during these months. During her own sabbatical this year, Lynn is working on a book on preaching about women in the Old Testament. Many of these women have fascinating and/or disturbing stories that are […]

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Preventing Infection this School Year

Donita Robards, RN, Parish Nurse Flu season will soon be upon us. Now that children are back in school, they will be congregating in contained spaces and playing with friends, which can lead to an increase in the spread of illnesses. Here are some steps you can take to protect your child and possibly other […]

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