Go & Glow Pre-Workout Tip

Go & Glow Tip of the Week Pack or lay workout gear out the night before, so you’re set to go the next day. It’s not too late to join the Go & Glow Summer Fitness Initiative. Fitness goal cards are available at the entrances to the Sanctuary and in the Gathering Area.

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Go & Glow: Healthier Holland Workout Classes

Go & Glow Tip of the Week Attend “Healthier Holland’s” free workout classes every Saturday at 9:00am & every Tuesday at 5:30pm, Downtown Holland on 8th Street (green space between College & Columbia). The Healthier Holland Movement centers around Free Workout Classes. These classes are an opportunity to workout, gather as community, learn tips on healthier […]

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Go & Glow: Let’s Go!

How do you plan on achieving your fitness goals this summer? Regardless of your current activity level, there are plenty of ways to get moving and some may even surprise you! The Go & Glow Team will provide weekly tips on how to be active, get healthy, and have some fun…stay tuned!

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Book List Reminder from Pastor Gordon

Have you responded yet to Pastor Gordon’s recommended book list request?! (See ‘and finally…’ in May’s Hope Church News) We’ve received a number of great responses, but receiving many more would be even greater. Send your list today! (gwiersma@hopechurchrca.org) Look for the book recommendations list in the August Hope Church News.

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Ministry Highlight: The Fellowship Ministry

The goal of this ministry is to provide opportunities for fellowship among the members and friends of Hope Church through an assortment of intergenerational events that will be of interest to all. These events are meaningful traditions in the spiritual lives of many individuals and families. The ministry plays an active role in the events […]

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Health Ministry: Focus on Men’s Health

by Donita Robards, Parish Nurse Men’s health is a frequently neglected topic in health care. Nonetheless, it is important to consider the risks imposed upon our fathers, brothers, sons and friends simply because of their gender. Specific health risks are more common at different stages in life, and it is vital to be aware of […]

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Restorative Circles at Work

Love More by Ann McKnight, Reconciliation Ministry “‘Love More.’ It’s not easy, but at least it’s not complicated.” Lois Maassen, one of the saints in my life, wrote this in an essay that I’ve read more than a few times. I do want to love more. With every fiber of my being. And, yes, it’s not easy. […]

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Kids Hope Wraps Up Another Program Year

Hope Church’s Kids Hope program concluded its 2012-2013 program year on May 3. A highlight of our final week was the year-end party held on Thursday, May 2. Over 90 people were present for this celebration where we recognized the 14 children we have mentored this year. We have now completed ten years of partnership […]

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One Lord. One Church. Video

Did you see all of the covered church signs last week? Watch this short video and try to spot Hope Church among the many West Michigan churches who participated in One Lord. One Church. Watch the video  

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