A Letter from our New Neighborhood Connectors

Greetings, Friends and Stakeholders of the Washington School Neighborhood: We are Kallie and Andrew Spidahl, the neighborhood connectors for the Washington School neighborhood for the 2013 year. We have met many of you, either near or far, and we look forward to speaking with you face-to-face in the weeks to come. One of our hopes […]

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Ministry Highlight: the Community Ministry

The Community Ministry at Hope Church This the first of a new series of highlights on ministries at Hope Church, intended to be sure our members are aware of how things happen and their opportunities to engage with the ministry of the church. The Community Ministry informs, engages, and supports Hope Church members as we […]

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“Haiti Reflections” Brochure

Hope Church members, Kari Miller-Fenwood, Ben Sikkink, and Larry and Karen Mulder, recently visited Haiti where they worked with the Hope House ministry led by Mallery Neptune. Hope House supports an orphanage, school, and community development as an expression of Christ’s love for the people of Haiti. The reality of their difficult lives was stunning. […]

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April Newsletter Now Available Online

Hope Church News March 2013 Download it here In this issue: Staying Connected with Hope Church Online Adult Education classes offered in April New Member Classes Ministry Highlight: The Community Ministry and much more! Current newsletters will be available on the Happening page. All past newsletters (starting in 2013) are archived on the Archives page.

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Emergency Equipment: Know Where to Go

First Aid Kits are located: Back of sanctuary in unlocked Deacons’ closet Kitchen Office Room 108 Youth Room Nursery parent pager cart Room 206 Church van Blankets are located: Coat Closet off Gathering area Deacons’ closet – back of sanctuary Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is located: To the left of the doors to the parking […]

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Hope Church Readers: Wednesday, March 20

Hope Church Readers will meet on Wednesday, March 20th, at 1:00 p.m. in the Commons to discuss Erich Segal’s, Acts of Faith. Leading the discussion will be Joan Wenke. Come join in a lively afternoon of ideas and friendship.

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Newsletter Volunteers Needed

Folding, taping, and fellowship. Are these skills in your repertoire? Please consider joining the crew that assembles the newsletter each month! If you are able to help once a month, once a year, or somewhere in between, please call Angie in the church office, (616) 392-7947. Your name will be added to our list of […]

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Peter Boogaart Honored with Outstanding Earth Steward Award

Hope Church member, Peter Boogaart, received the Outstanding Earth Steward Award from Michigan Interfaith Power and Light last week for his passion for the Earth and dedication to combating environmental issues. Peter has been the coordinator for the Caring for Creation task force, a faith based environmental group, for ten years. The WMEAC blog reports, Under […]

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AED Instructions from the Health Ministry

How to use the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) The AED is located to the left of the doors to the parking lot from the Gathering Area. Check for signs of sudden cardiac arrest. The signs are unresponsiveness and abnormal breathing. The patient may not be breathing at all, or may have labored, irregular breathing. Check […]

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Health Ministry Overview

And Jesus sent them out, to preach the kingdom of God, and heal the sick.  Luke 9:2 The Health Ministry sees healing and health as integral to a life of faith and a key focus of the Church’s communal life. It provides educational and experiential opportunities that promote physical, mental, emotional and relational wholeness.   […]

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