Water Cube Display in Hope Church Gathering Area

Water Issues: Visit the water cube display in the Gathering Area for the next few weeks. The cube virtually represents 1000 L of water; that’s the volume needed to produce each individual item inside the cube. Diverting water for export goods degrades the environment and leaves many people around the world struggling to find clean […]

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Foster Home Needed for Cat Sisters

The Bombe/Tofteland family has an urgent need for a temporary home for their two cats while the family is out of the country. Lilly and Josie are 13-year-old cats, sisters who would prefer to stay together. They are exclusively indoor cats and are happiest in a small space with windows to look outside. One is […]

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Pizza Sunday Host Needed for THIS Sunday

If anyone is going to be present for worship this Sunday, July 31, and is willing to serve as Pizza Sunday host — please contact the church office as soon as possible  at 616-392-7947 or lbeyer@hopechurchrca.org.   It is not a difficult task and if you have never done it before we can get you […]

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Opportunity to Host Furniture Drive

Hope Church has been asked to consider being a donation site for collecting furniture for those in Joplin and Tuscaloosa whose lives were changed by tornadoes earlier this year. To make this happen, we’d need a volunteer to coordinate our efforts, making and communicating plans with support from a local organization. It’s hoped that the […]

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CareGiver Needed!

Randy Smit is in search of a personal care giver and shares this request: Hello my friends… I am prayerfully in search of personal care beginning at the end of August. Some early possibilities have dissolved very quickly, very recently… so we’re back on the hunt. Any help that you could offer in spreading the […]

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Dream Group small group opportunity: Starts July 24

Small Group opportunity for any interested persons: A Six-Week session Dream Group is planned to meet from 3-5 P.M. in the Garden Lounge beginning this Sunday, July 24 and running through August 28. If you are interested in learning more about your own dreams, and if you’ll be available for the dates listed, please contact […]

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Never Too Late to Deliver Sunshine

Because many hands make light work, we’re looking for additional volunteers to deliver the supplies and equipment that Camp Sunshine needs for their week of camping experiences for people with developmental disabilities in an inclusive environment on the shores of Lake Michigan. For the last several years, a Hope Church crew has helped with move-in […]

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Share with Neighbors at Migrant Camps

The Monday-evening visits made by Hope Church and Crossroads Chapel members have identified some needs that we can meet through donations. What’s needed are Clean used clothing for adult men and women and children aged 6 months through teen Shoes for same Blankets, sheets, and towels Personal care items including toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, and […]

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Postponement of blueberry pie making

The blueberries are not quite ready and so the pie making prep scheduled for this Friday and Saturday, July 15 and 16, is postponed until mid August. All who signed up will be notified when those exact dates are known.

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