The Lakeshore Women for Peace and Holland Peacemakers invite you to join them on Sunday, September 16, at 5 p.m. for an evening of community: a potluck picnic followed by reflections in an early celebration of International Day of Peace. The event will be held at Smallenberg Park, the corner of 16th Street and Fairbanks Avenue.

September 21 is the official date designated by the General Assembly of the United Nations as International Day of Peace, to strengthen the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and people. Sustainability is the 2012 theme:

Sustainable Peace… from Sustainable Development… for a Sustainable Future

Smallenberg Park is the site of the Holland Peace Pole, presented to the City of Holland by the Holland Peacemakers in September 2006. The Peace Pole contains 16 of the languages spoken by families of children who attend Holland Public Schools, celebrating our diversity. Smallenberg Park and the Peace Pole make a lovely setting to come together to listen and share as we continue to develop a consciousness of peacefulness that can help shape our lives, our families, our work, community, and world.

The details:

  • Share a potluck picnic at 5:00 p.m.; reflections to follow at 6:30 p.m. Bring a favorite poem, song, reading, or other presentation related to peace.
  • Bring a dish to pass, table service, and lawn chairs.
  • Beverages (water and lemonade) will be provided.
  • If it rains, the event is cancelled.