We invite all interested singers to join in choral singing for worship. With that, we are announcing a few changes in the 11 a.m. worship music group. We will increase the focus on new music for Chancel Choir and continue on the lectionary themes and festival Sundays. New music often accompanies new text and that is our goal to trade out some of the archaic choral music/text to something fresh and more vital to worship.

Chancel Choir will also sing three Sundays a month, leaving a 4th and 5th Sunday open for featured musicians and small singing groups. We have several congregation members that cannot participate on a weekly basis in Chancel Choir, however they may be able to get involved on an occasional Sunday, which is scheduled in advance.

Are you willing to participate in music at Hope Church? Singer? Bell ringer? Soloist? Cantor? Rehearsal accompanist? Please share your willingness with Rhonda(rhondabse@gmail.com) or Brian (bcarder@hopechurchrca.org). We welcome your conversation.

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