
The Children in Worship (CIW) leaders ask you to prayerfully consider joining them in the wonderful experience of worshiping with the children of Hope Church. The leadership schedule can be very flexible to match your availability and your level of commitment. The CIW program is an integral part of the nurturing of the children as they begin their faith journey.

We are in need of storytellers, whether experienced or willing to learn, to help staff the current worship centers and others to aid in the room as greeters. Some training is necessary but that also can be worked into any schedule. It is a great way to meet and get to know the wonderful children in our faith community. If you have one Sunday a month, or a few consecutive weeks that you would be willing to be involved you can be of great service. You will be enriched as much if not more than the children themselves as you worship together.

If you have any questions, please talk to Jocelyn or one of the leaders who have spent time in the centers. If you have been a leader in the past, please consider sharing your talents again. Thank you for your consideration!