Ask any worshiper from the Children in Worship centers and they will tell you that it is the beginning of the church year.  As we enter a new church year, it’s a good time to remind those of you who remain in the sanctuary that the stories that are being told in each worship center are listed in the bulletin weekly.  We encourage you to engage a child in conversion about their worship experience.  We also encourage anyone who is interested to join the children in worship on any Sunday.  This is an excellent way to show your interest in the children and let’s them know that their worship is also a very important part of Hope Church.

Children in Worship will meet each Sunday in Advent.  All the children will remain in the sanctuary on December 30 for the family service and they will worship together on January 6, Epiphany Sunday with a special celebration.

Each year the younger children (pre-school through elementary ages) are encouraged to take an ornament home with them from Hope Church.  This year these ornaments will be available from the tree in the hallway to the education wing of the church.  These ornaments may be taken from the tree beginning December 16th.  Enjoy them on your tree.

During the Advent season the offering will be used to help with the Tree of Light gift giving.  Each worship center will choose a gift request from the tree and share our blessings by fulfilling that request.  Some of the children have decorated the stars on the tree, which will be used as gift tags for all the presents.

The Church School children will be participating in some special Advent activities throughout the season.  They will be hearing wonderful stories about the birth of Jesus and doing lots of activities celebrating the coming of the Christ child.  On December 9th we will be joining in the St. Nicholas brunch.

Schedule note: There will be no church school on December 30 but we look forward to the Epiphany celebration on January 6.